The Desert
You enter the desert, looking around. It is very hot; the sun blazes cruelly in the sky. A soft wind picks up, blowing sand through the air. Looking around, you see a large, brown cub-creature approaching you, his fur and feathers blowing in the wind.
The cub passes by you, looking at you through shining yellow eyes. You follow him, and he leads you to protection from the heat, behind a large sand dune. "Who...and what are you?" you ask. "I am Dokor, and I am a Eqyptian." "Oh," you say, still quite confused. "Are there any others like you around here?" "No," the cub replies, "but maybe someday there will be. Anyway, this is no heat for a human to be in. You'd better go." You feel a bead of sweat roll down the side of your head, and you know he's right. You stand, walking quickly out of the desert.