Hall leading deeper...
You walk even deeper into the huge cave, the sounds of the fighting dragons fading. You are walking through a hall like place...with enough room for three people to walk side by side. You pause as you see a small light gray and blue dragon from the corner of your eye.

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You are about to just pass him up, but he came sit in front of you. "Hi," he said. "I'm JayDee." "Hi," you reply. "Enjoying the cave so far?" he asked. "Yes..." you say, wondering why the dragon is calmer than all the others, and not seeming in a rush to get rid of you. "Can I come with you?" he asks, glancing in the direction your going. "Okay," you say. You began to walk, the little dragon beside you. Soon you come to two grown female dragons playing in the hall...little flowers and patches of grass are pushed up randomly from the dirt ground, and tiny fairies fly around them.

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Adopt Your Own Critter Here!

The dragons giggle, stopping as they spot you. "Hola!" the red one says in a deeply spanish-accented voice. "I am Krisha...and this is Ebony." She nods towards her black friend, and the dragon nods to you with a smile. "Hello, lovely ladies," JayDee says with a smirk. "Hola, muchacho," Ebony says with a giggle. You assume that Ebony can only speak Spanish. But before you can ask, Krisha crouches and pounces Ebony, and once again they get into a playfight. You and JayDee start to continue walking down the cave, but a large blue dragon flies over your head.
(Click him to adopt someone like him)
The dragon landed next to the two females, turning to you and JayDee and roaring. Krisha stops playfighting, rolling her eyes. "Thats Sparx...he's what they call Feral...wild. He doesn't speak english, and he's very terrirorial. You'd better keep going before he gets mad." JayDee nods, and you follow him farther down the hall. After about five minutes, you come to a little egg.
(Click her to adopt someone like her)
"Wow, it's so small!" you say. JayDee nods. "It will hatch into a Dracae; a mix between a faerie and dragon." "Cool," you say. JayDee points down the hall, where it opens into another room. "There's a baby dragon living in that room...go visit it." "Alright," you say, patting JayDee on the head and leaving down to the room.