So, you still want to adopt a Hisokani? Well, lets get to the rules and information then

The first and most important rule is that you MUST listen to AND agree to ALL of these rules.

2.) The same basic rules that apply to the other pets here apply to these. No stealing the pictures, the editing them in any way, you MUST link back to me (feel free to use a
banner), you must have a webpage, you can't adopt them out, and you must completely fill out the form.

3.) You can only adopt one Hisokani egg per clutch. Please do not ask to see what the pet will look like beforehand...although every Hisokani will be totally different, on the main Hisokani page I will have a list of the people who adopted and their pages, so that you can see past Hisokani.

4.) Hisokani come in three stages; first is Egg, then Infant, then Baby, then Teen, then Adult. The egg looks nothing like the Hisokani will look like...if it does, then it was purely incidental. I will send out the stages every 5 days; you must have a stage up within 3 days of receiving it. If you do not like how your Hisokani turns out, please send it back to me to be put on the Abandoned page. Also, if the stage is not up within 3 days, your pet will get sent to the abandoned page.

5.) Your Hisokani do not have to be on a page by themselves.

6.) Unlike the other cyberpets, Hisokani already have genders...when I send you the second stage of the Hisokani (infant), you will be able to name him or her. After that, the name may NOT be changed.

7.) Please do not complain if you apply for a Hisokani and you find out that someone got it before you...that will most likely not happen, since I usually update my site as soon as something happens, but two people apply for it when I'm not online, whoever applies first gets the pet. Simply come back and apply for another...and if there are no more, another clutch will be coming soon.

Well, thats all of the rules and information. Do you agree to them?

Yes, I will follow all of the rules listed above; please take me to the nesting area.
No, please take me back to the main adoptions.