Stone Room
As you walk into the next room, you notice the floor going from the brown earth of the cave to a hard, cold, gray stone. You pause and look up, noticing that the room you are about to enter is made completely of gray stone. It is much easier to see in here than the other parts of the cave, and it is much louder. You squint as your eyes, accustomed to the dark, are flooded with light. As soon as you can see again, you see a dragon with a chain around its neck, attached to a rock. You walk up to it, and it lifts its eyes to you.
(Click him to adopt someone like him!)
"Hello..." it says. "Welcome to the Stone room." You nod, listening to him. "I am Goaho, a Watchwher. If you do anything bad, I'm supposed to hurt you." You roll your eyes and look around. You notice a dragon flying around on the other side of the room. You walk to it.
(Click him to adopt someone like him!)
"Hi," you say. It stops and lands on a stone, looking up at you. "Can you speak?" you ask. It just blinks at you. You reach down to pet it. "NO TOUCHIE," Goaho yells from the other side of the room with a smirk. Sighing angrily, you leave.