
Hey thank you so much for coming along *huggs*I've pretty much put the finishing touches to most of the pages. There are some still under construction, such as the slash/yaoi fanfiction page's, mainly cos I'm on the scrounge for fics.One's like the gallery will always be updated.Hopefully there's enough at the moment to make it all worth your while. I hope its easy to navigate and whotnot if there's any problems don't hesitate to mail me. Hope you enjoy your stay and come back in the future ^_^


October 19th 2000

Also updated is the fic section, added Lorena's wonderful Holly and the ivy. Plus you can find in the Guest art section Figbash's so kawai T and Q usagi's ^_^
Plus one new Gundam wing picture and shock its not Trowa or Quate.

Go on now go look shoo, shoo

November ? 2000

So on to new updates, well new piccy of Trowa up. Plus fanfics from the wonderful Lorena Manuel and Mika -chan.

Sorry that’s all for now.

December 2000

Put my terrible fic Mother in the Gundam Wing fan fic section *hides*

February 2001

Whoo I just can't stop messing with my lay out so here's another new look *stop it now you mad thing*
3 new pic in the Gundam wing art section.

More new fics and art to come just have to HTML. Hobbit and Harry Potter slash on their way *yay* Plus some pic for those fandoms *I've been busy* some links are down but I'm remedying that as fast as I can.

February 04 2001

Whooo!!! Joy of Joy's. MJ Hooper has been kind enough to let me host her wonderful Merry and Pippin slash fic in the Hobbit's fic section. It's great go see *shoo shoo*

February 15 2001

Bron DuWynn has been kind enough to let me host her brilliant Sam and Frodo series of fics *bows in gratitude* They can be found in the fanfic section under the Hobbit bit. Go read their great ^_^

February 27 2001

Uploaded Ticktacks wonderful Sam and frodo fics, thanks luv ^_^ Plus popped a Merry and Pip picture in the fanworks gallery.

Hoping soon to have Harry Potter fics, plus my HP art when I finally scan it, busy, busy.

April 2001

Updated at last. Re done the whole hobbit section, it has it’s own little corner to itself, as Lord of the rings seems to be taking over my heart again J More fan fics are put in there from the wonderful MJ Plus I have a pic of Ron from Harry potter in the fanworks section of the gallery. Plus I’d like to take time here to say thank you’s to everyone who comes here and lets me nick their work kidding, I love you all