Company Profile
The company offers a very personal service and is run by two directors offering between them 25 years management and recruitment experience.  We are very happy to answer any queries you may have throughout the process and interact with you to maximise the results.

Karen Rimmer has worked as a recruitment specialist for the past 15 years.  Her job involved sifting through CV.s on a daily basis and she certainly knows what works as a successful CV and what doesn't. 
She has run large advertising campaigns for many large corporates including, HSBC, Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs and more recently dot.coms.
Over the years she has helped many consultants and candidates write and tune their CVs.  This enabled them to follow their job applications through to a successful appointment.  CVs have very much been a main tool in her career and she feels she is ideally placed to assist others with a proven format and technique.

Chris Rimmer has 10 years experience as a senior IT director initially for Credit Suisse First Boston then more recently for a Dot Com startup.  Chris has managed a team of 110 people and has been directly responsible for large recruitment campaigns.  He has gained a very good appreciation for CVs that actually work.

Other Pages:
Home Page
CV Service Details and Prices
The CV Process
Useful Job Sites
Contact Us:
Name: Karen Rimmer
0044 (0)7092 247477