David Lynch Scripts

I initially decided to upload these scripts when I heard that Lynchnet was closing, and they have been included in just about every lame website I have done.  I wanted to make sure that they are always available to anyone who wants to read them (and also that I always have a copy if my comp dies, blah blah....).  So anyway, here they are; all stolen rather haneously from Lynchnet and totally written and typed by whoever it says in the script... I sure as hell didn't do it.  Kudos to Mike Dunn for his contribution to the Lynch world over the years!

I will try and put more scripts here as I find them lying around.

* Some links inside the scripts don't work.  Scripts are included as is from Lynchnet (with images).
* Some of these scripts do not view properly in older browsers and the HTML is a little screwy, this is however beyond my control as I am too lazy to edit them.

  • Twin Peaks - PILOT
  • Twin Peaks - 01
  • Twin Peaks - 02
  • Twin Peaks - 03
  • Twin Peaks - 04
  • Twin Peaks - 05
  • Twin Peaks - 29
If you have any different / more TP or Lynch scripts, I would love to add them to this page.  Please email them to: karlos@idx.com.au

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