Welcome to TAK Online, the official homepage of Theoretical and Applied Karstology

Use one of the links to the right if you want to learn more about TAK or the links below if you wish to jump straight to TAK past issues.
A few words about TAK

Theoretical and Applied Karstology
(TAK) is an annual journal dedicated to karst and caves science.

The first four issues were published by the
"Emil Racovita" Institute of Speleology, as a series, between 1983 and 1991. Since 1992, TAK has been edited by the Institute and published yearly by the Romanian Academy's Publishing House.

TAK publishes
original contributions (review articles, research papers, short notes and book reviews) covering the whole range of karstology and physical speleology: karst geology and mineralogychemistry and physics of karst processes, karst geomorphology, karst hydrologyand hydrogeology, speleo-chronology and landscape evolution, speleogenesis,climate and subterranean environment, speleo-paleontology, engineering and environmental problems in karst, karst managment, etc.

Traditionally, TAK articles are selected from the contributions submitted to the last  "Theoretical and Applied Karstology" Symposium  which is held annually, usually in the spring time. Additionally, original contributions, not presented at the symposium may be also published, provided that sufficient editorial space is available.

TAK articles are published in either
English or French. Abstracts, keywords and captions are published bilingual.

About this page

This page is intended to:
- give you free access to the table of contents and abstracts of previous TAK issues;
- keep you updated with new TAK issues and other TAK events;
- help you to publish in TAK, find the articles of your interest and order TAK copies or reprints;
- publish the full version of TAK articles for the out-of-print issues.
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TAK 1/1983
TAK 2/1985
TAK 3/1987
TAK 5/1992
TAK 6/1993
TAK 7/1994
TAK 8/1995
TAK 9/1996
TAK 10/1997
TAK 11-12/1998-1999
TAK 13-14/2000-2001
Theoretical & Applied Karstology

This page is created and maintained by Silviu Constantin.
This page name and the content linked to it
ARE copyrighted as follows. The content of TAK1-4, copyright of Institutul de Speologie "Emil Racovita", the contents of TAK volumes after vol. 5, copyright of Editura Academiei, Bucharest, Romania.
If you experience technical problems with this site or if you notice any mistakes (e.g. English mistakes!), please drop me a line. Thanks,
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Last update: October 2, 2006
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TAK 15/2002
TAK 16/2003
TAK 17/2004