Inuyasha: Alright, right now you just entered Kasey's Favorite Bishonen of All Time section. Why does she need a section for that?
Kagome: Maybe because she wants to pay homage to her favorite bishonen. I wonder who they could be?
Inuyasha: Like I give a damn. I'm out of here.
Kagome: Oh no you don't! Sit boy!
Inuyasha: (twitching as he lays face first in the ground) Oww...
Kagome: Also, as a special treat, click on the pictures to get the full size! Hope you all enjoy it!
#1- Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho) & Inuyasha (Inuyasha)
I couldn't excatly pick between the two, so they both made it in the number one spot! I totally fell in love with Hiei the first time I saw him on YYH. I don't know what it is about him. He's a total ass in the anime, but I can't help but love him. He just has this... thing about him. Maybe its the hair... Actually, I love him because even though he acts tough and heartless, he does care for his friends, in his own weird way. I also think he has a thing for Kurama, but that's my opinion...  I apparently have a thing for guys that need a total attitude adjustment, because as soon as I saw Inuyasha, I totally fell in love with him. I can't tell you which one I like more, his demon form or his human form. His ears in his demon form are SO cute! But when I see him in his human form, I just totally love his black hair and brown eyes. (sighs) I've said totally so many time in this... I'm a Californian, for sure... ^_^
#2- Urameshi Yusuke (Yu Yu Hakusho)
This was a hard choice, but in the end, Yusuke made it as number two. Again, I have a thing for bad boys, but I don't think Yusuke is all bad. He's actually got a kind heart. He cares a lot about his friends, especially Keiko. Right from the starts you can tell he's either in love with her, or just has really strong feelings that will grow into love later on. I decided on two pictures for Yusuke because even though I like the slicked back look, I really love his hair down
#3- Asakura Yoh (Shaman King)
After reading Shaman King in Shonen Jump, and later being able to watch some fansubs of the anime, Yoh quickly became one of my favorites. He's got this carefree attitude that you just can't help but love, but when he needs to be, he can become serious and truly cares about his friends. Again, this was a really hard choice who to put here, but in the end, Yoh won my heart and the spot at number three.
#4- Youko Kurama / Minamino Shuichi (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Apparently you can tell by now that Yu Yu Hakusho is one of my favorite animes. I'm not sure why I love Kurama's human form the most. Maybe its the red hair. I do know I love the English voice for him. It fits him so well! I also think he has feelings for Hiei, but then again, that's just my opinion.
#5- Camille Viden (Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam)
Rounding out the top five (or top six if your going to be so picky about it) is the hot-tempered Camille. If you want to keep yourself out of a fight, don't ever tease him about his feminine name. I love Camille not only because of his fighting spirit, but also because he's cute as hell. I've been lucky enough to see a few fansub episodes of Zeta Gundam, and I can't wait for the English version.
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