"They're All Gonna Laugh At You!"

Hyde says mmmmmmmmm Okay, this is my rant page, cause i needed to rant, without much punctuation, proper spelling, grammer checks (forgive me heather and mom), capitolization and the such. Each one of those items are a rant in themselves, that i just wont go into at the moment.
If you have never been subject to a Katy Rant, or a Katy Ramble, or any of the like. If you find yourself here wondering what the hell im talking about, then read on my little ones, you will soon enough find out.

And if you haven't figured it out yet, that isn't me at the left, thats Hyde. Hyde is cynical. Hyde is a bastard. Hyde has a fro. Grow fro, grow...

Rant #4, January 24th, 2001 (i never update shit)
moving is hell. moving three times in a year and a half is hell frozen over with cherry syrup on top. and just for clarification im sick of the cold and allergic to cherry syrup.
I'm sick of moving goddamnit, bah. first i move a mile from where i was living into this crap ass apt. then i moved 20 miles away to this crap ass little house. now im moving back to the same goddamned block i was on before! GRRRRR i have too much shit to move, i think ill trash it all. black plastic bags of the world unite! and prepare your selfs for the wrath of "KATY HAS TOO MUCH CRAP!"
oooooooh, i love this song.
I think ill go zone out and listen to Babylon on repeat...

Rant #3, October 3rd, 2000 (oh, two in a row practically, i must be having issues)
Computers suck.
Thats all there is to it. I can't afford the net, big surprise there, so i use freei. its better then aohell anyhow. ussually in any case. sometimes it doesnt like letting me connect, says my username or password is invalid when i KNOW they arnt. but ussually i can find ways around that, not today of coarse. when i cant find ways around it i use, god forgive me, netzero. which is a bitch cause the add banner refuses to dock, but at least it will let me on. not today of coarse. no, that would be to nice. today apperantly not only are my user ids and passes invalid on freei, but there is no connection on netzero. so, how did i get on here you ask? easy, netzero flipped my computer out, i restarted and after 3 tries it finally let me on here. after my 6th attempt and making netzero work i suddenly got an illegal operation.... then another.... and another, and a thousand more, i kept clicking "close" for a good ten minutes before i finally decided to shut the whole damn thing down since i was in a giggling fit of hysterics and had finally reached the cliffs of insanity. im better now, really. but there is no denying the truths in life, weather they are small or large truths, you just cant get rid of em. and one of em is this.

Rant #2, October 1st, 2000 (waited a bit didn't I? *g*)
Whoever it was that invented Hersheys Special Dark chocolate bars has a sick and twisted mind. They should be drug out into the street and shot. i mean what the hell is up with that shit? now most ppl dont really like em, have you ever noticed that if you buy one of those bags of hersheys miniatures you always have about 80 million little special dark chocolate bars left but nothing else by the time your done? i know youve noticed this. its cause they taste like crap, semi sweet chocolate was not made for human consumption in this particular form. now i know that there are a few of you out there goin "hey, wait, i LIKE special darks." well, just so you know, i do to, they are one of my favortie little candys in that bag, but that does nothing to counteract how shitty they taste. i can prove it to. if you like special dark bars from those bags of little candy bars chances are you are either the youngest or the weakest of your imidiate family. usually both. when i was a kid i HATED those damn things, you couldnt PAY me to eat em, which is saying a lot since i used to eat cat food and sand on dares. my father however loved em (the special darks you moron, not the sand). BUT, he is the youngest in his family of about nine kids. as i grew up i learned to like em, wanna know why? guess where i was in the family line. ya see, if you are the youngest, or the weakest of the family you get stuck with the crap. you are the one that has to sit at the back of the restaraunt booth so that if you have to pee you have to crawl under the table, you are the one that is always on the floor under a massive tickle attack, you are the one that feels like your life is a complete waste of this universes time and energy.... wait, um, where was i? oh yeah, YOU are the one stuck eating the special dark chocolate bars and the left over kidney beans at supper! you grow to appreciate things if you are exposed to them over time (well not the kidney beans naturally). Its stupid, i HATE semi sweet chocolate, yet the first candy i will eat out of one of those little bags is the damn special darks.... its dumb, its annoying, its EVIL. so like i said, whoever invented Hersheys Special Dark chocolate bars should be drug out into the street and shot. Anyone wanna help me?
Andrea annoys the shit out of me, but we'll save that for another little lesson on life.

Rant #1, January (wtf is the date? someone tell me the damn date, i cant finish this, or even start it without the date! Katy. WHAT? Its the 6th, well the 7th technically. DONT GET TECHNICAL ON ME DAMNIT! and thankyou.) 6, 2000.
The World Didnt End. damn it all to hell. I was personally looking forward to death, dismemberment and damnation. Dont get me wrong, i mean i AM a sick and sadistic person by nature, it just goes along with being pessimistic and negative, but that doesnt mean i constantly want death and the such. on the contrary i would like to live a long and productive life where all my dreams come true. But C'MON, who here sees that happening in MY future. c'mon, speak up, you wont hurt my feelings. There see, indisputable proof. Im just sick I know, but hey, with all these people freakin out about the Y word that i wont mention for those of you that are going to tear your brains out your ass if you hear it one more time, who wouldnt want the world to end. I was thinkin, "Ya know Katy, if all these ppl" (and yes, thats is EXACTLY how i say 'people' in my head when im talking to myself..... dont start with me) anyhow , i was sayin to myself, "If all these ppl really think the worlds gonna end so they can get their miserable little lives over with, or extend their miserable little lives into some prolonged agony of grief and pain, then maybe it SHOULD happen..." You see, i work at a gasstation (little bearing on much of anything other then this story, but hey it pays the bills that i had hoped would stop coming when every computer on earth crashed) and all these ppl started freakin out on new years eve, and the day before that. so basically a day and a half before the world is supposed to end, everyone decided that they needed to get gas. Now i understand it up to this point. i mean hey, if you are gonna be gunnin ppl down to protect you supply of bottled water and pizza rolls, then you might as well be able to do it in drive-by fashion right. but what i didnt understand was why they all wanted to get their cars washed to... i sold more carwashes in those two days then i have sold since i started workin there. people would come and fill up not only thier cars gas tanks and all their little plastic gas cans for their generators, but as soon as they came into the store to pay for it they would say "can i have the Works wash with that please?" We had ppl lined up to the damn road gettin their cars washed for two days straight. and i could almost read the thoughts shooting across their peanut sized brains "Well, if the worlds gonna end, then im damn sure gonna die happy in my basement knowin my car is sittin outside all nice and clean." If that wasnt bad enough though, did they really have to say 'PLEASE' every damn time. What the hell, your getting ready for armageddon, but you still have manners enough to mind your P's and Q's, AND wait 45 minutes for a car wash? Oooookay. If i were as paranoid as most of those ppl, or if i even GAVE A DAMN what happened, i would have been like "Gimme my goddamn gas and get the hell outta my face!" but then again im rude, and i hate carwashes in general. Car Washes are a personal choice, and The Pimp Mobile (my car, legendary in its own time, famed in song and story, and most of all a very large pain in my ass because i cant figure out how to get the damn tinting off the windows, which is illegal in this state to have) is not deserving of a car wash in my mind. If i had cared at all about losing power or having an all out nucleur war, The Pimp Mobile would sure as hell be the farthest thing from my mind.
bah, i suppose its a few days late for this rant, and it just adds all the more credence to the fact that i am COMPLETLY and UTTERLY insane, but hell, its been pissin me off for days.

Take me back damnit!