Once upon a time, a woman stood beneath the marquee of a place she would never see again and wrote herself a life....
Larry S.
Singing the T-Town Blues

I will never see Tulsa again.
I will never hear B.B. King sing at the Cains Ballroom.
I will never dance upon her spring loaded dance floor.
I will never drink another Weber's Rootbeer while cruising the Restless Ribbon.
I had a perfect moment.
I had the perfect day.
At your expense, Drew Reed.
I loved you so much.
I loved you almost as much as I love the Cains.

I will never see Tulsa again.
They made sure of that.
They stole the good things from me.
They stole the Music.
But they couldn't steal Phil.
He sends me bits of Home in brown paper mailers.
And in phone calls.
"You have no idea how much I want to jump on that bus and go with you."
Phil is still the Keeper of the Blues.

I love the Music almost as much as I love the Words.  And I love the Cains almost as much as I love my computer. And I love Phil as much as there are stars in the sky. As much as the sound of the wind fluttering through the canopy of the Cains. Phil gave me one perfect hour.
He gave me the Cains in the Summer.
The Cains Ballroom, home to the Texas Playboys and Blues You Can Use.
Rock on.