Updates and Such
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4/19/01 - Okay, I know it's been a while, but I've finally actually done something!  I finished the Mercury profile, which I've been putting off for some time.  It'd help if I could get a suggestion or two for the interactive fanfic, in case anyone wants to help me on that.  I'll probably work on the Mars profile tomorrow or Saturday, so please be patient.  I swear I'll get to it all eventually.  I've also got some new pics, but I still have to thumbnail them and all that good stuff, but I swear I'll do it as soon as I get a chance, okay, my loyal visitors?
4/8/01 - I haven't technically updated much, but I thought I'd give you a run-down of what's happening.  I finally have enough time online to update this more, but there are a few minor problems.  First of all, I lost all the pics on my hard drive, so I have to go hunting, then upload them all, then thumbnail them, then upload the thumnails.  Needless to say, it's going to be time-consuming.  I scimmed through my e-mails, so I lost quite a few.  That reminds me, AOL users, check your settings!  I keep getting error messages when you send me pics.  The Message Board's down because it won't let me in, so please use the forums or e-mail me.
8/12/00 -  Well I've been doing a bunch of little updates, but today I'm acually posting them.  The Profiles section is up, though not anywhere near complete.  Don't worry, though.  I'm working as fast as I can on them.  Also, the fanfiction section will be up soon enough, once I get some materials either written myself or submitted to me by the generous visitors of this site.  Well, while I'd loved to talk more about this update, nobody is probably reading this and I need to get to work.  Thank you for all of your support, people!
7/6/00 - Well, today's the birthday of my staff member, Yosho, which explains why he still hasn't added any new polls.  Anyway, I just realized that I lost most of my thumbnails, so I have to remake them and upload them before I can post them.  Eventually, though, I will have enough pics to actually categorize everything, making the gallery much easier to look through.  Anyway, I'm going to go work on those thumbnails, so I hope you enjoy what's here already while you're waiting.
7/3/00 - Changed the layout on the index page.  I asked the Amazoness Quartet to take a look at the site, so I'm trying to make everything look good so I don't get put on their "Worst of the Web" list.  Needless to say, I'm also adding a link to them in the links section, so check that out as well.  Well, that's about it for today.  Enjoy!
7/1/00 - Slightly updated picture gallery.  Were you expecting more?  Maybe if you post something on my message board, I'll be motivated to do more.  Also, it would probably motivate me if you e-mail me with questions or comments, but we all know that'll never happen.  Prove me wrong by e-mailing me!  Well, I'm sure you've all had enough of my babbling to last an eternity, so please read the other updates or press the "Back" button to return to the index page because I'm too lazy to provide a link.
6/30/00 - Added new "Easy SM Trivia: trivia section.  Feel free to check it out, but please read the directions.  Of course, if you're taking the time to read this, you probably won't skip the directions.  If you don't read the directions after reading this, I will put your e-mail address on the "Wall of Flame" for all to flame.  Therefore, heed my warning and read the directions!  Fear my wrath!  Anyway, please e-mail me with any questions, comments or suggestions, or if you're just bored, which is probably the case if you're still reading this.  Anyway, enjoy the site...or else!
6/29/00 - Added "Updates and Such" section, which basically contains information that nobody cares about and that therefore doesn't deserve room on the index page.  Anyway, this section also may contain various comments of mine.  For example, I'm surprised that I've already gotten 244 hits in just a week since the official opening, even if at least twenty of them are me.  Also, I'm uploading lots of pics, so be sure to check the gallery to see when they get up.  Oh, and the entire gallery is thumbnailed now, so it loads a LOT faster.  Well, that's about it for today.  Enjoy my humble creation!