My Awards

I'm honored to be given each award on this page.
They tell me that part of my goal has been reached.
My message is getting out!!
Please visit each of these sites by clicking the award.

This is my first award. It's from Kali-Ma & Garden Angel of Crushed Roses

The Mint Green Ribbon Campaign for the Awareness of Abuse is proud to present the
Mint Green Ribbon Award
to this site for building awareness and making a difference.

Given to me by Anita

This one is from Terri. Thank You Terri!

The "You Touched My Heart" award is given when a person or place
that has touched me in some way or another...
It may be friendship...wonderful music...a wonderful web site...
tears...giggles or smiles
or a special kindness you have shown... all of the above or just some...
This is just my small way of saying
thank you for touching my heart with your special spirit...

Thank you so much Peggy, I'm honored!

Isn't he a cutie?

Thanks Girls!


On the basis of content, artistic originality and
usefulness to the internet community.

My token of appreciation of what GOOD you are doing on the internet to help prevent domestic violence.

Check Out The Site Of The WEEK!

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