Almost A Whisper by: Yanni

Here's A little about me and my family.

I don't even know where to start. I wasn't even going to make a page like this, but everyone keeps asking me to, so I guess I will. Prepair to be very bordered!

Tim & Kathy
     Tim and I have been married for 10 years(10-10-87). We have been through heaven & hell together. When we got married Tim was in the U.S. Army, so it's safe to say we have moved a lot! It's also safe to say we had fun! We started out at Ft. Campbell, Kentucky. We then went to Panama. Of course Tim had to spend a year there without me until we could get base housing, so I moved back to Texas and spent a very lonely year without him. We then spent another year in Panama together. That was during Operation Just Cause. For those of you who don't know what that was...I spent a few nights with 4 other Army wives and their kids in a single family home, while bombs went off all around us! It was quite scary! We had to black out the windows at night with matresses, and were not allowed to use any light other than the T.V. with the volume VERY low. We went from Panama, to Ft.Carson, Colorado, in the middle of winter! We left Panama in swimming weather, and arrived in Colorado to snow! We had a great time there, we love the mountains! At this point we were given orders to move to Germany, but GOD had other plans for us...

This is where the handsome boys above come in...
Meet Daniel & Donald. They are identical twins! Yes, we do know how to tell them apart, when they're looking at us. :-) Donald was actually born 2 minutes before Daniel, but I put Daniel on here first, because we ALWAYS introduce them as Donald & Daniel, so this time Daniel gets to go first.

      Now, back to where we were. Tim had to go to school for 8 weeks before we were to relocate to Germany, so I moved back to Texas with my mom (my father had just passed away a month before) until his graduation. Tim left Texas in November of 1991. I should tell you, Tim and I had been trying to get pregnant for about 3 years with no luck. Anyway Tim was due to come home for Christmas, and for some reason I decided to take a home test. To this day I'm not sure why, because I wasn't "late". I can honestly say that I waited on my knees at the bathroom counter for the results! It was POSITIVE!! Who did I tell first, MOM. This was about 8 o'clock at night, so I called her at work and causally said, "Before you come home can you go check the price on a baby bed." It took her a minute to get what I was saying. Her first words we, "Get to the doctor right now and get a blood test." We are from a small country town in East Texas, but we did have a clinic open until 9 p.m. so that's where I went. So this male nurse came and took my blood, I don't know how long I had to wait, but it seemed like hours! Anyway, he finally came out in the waiting room and said "It's Positive." I started crying my eyes out! I guess he didn't know what to do, so he sat down beside me and asked if it was good or bad. I said, "IT"S WONDERFUL!!" Needless to say, mom & I went shopping that night!
      So when did I tell Tim? Well, it's all on video! As I said, Tim was due in for Christmas. So when we went to pick him up at the airport, I took along my video camera. By the time the plane landed everyone in the waiting area knew what we were gonna do , so there was a lot of people standing around watching for him. Mom was videoing, and I handed Tim a card, and like the typical man he wasn't gonna open it, he just wanted to go home! So mom said, "Aren't you going to open your card? He did and it said, "Merry Christmas Daddy!" He Freaked out! When I finally got it across to him that it was true, everyone was clapping! What's the first thing he does? He took me that night and bought me a "BABY 92" shirt, then we went to his Nanny's (grandmother's) house. He had me put it on before we got there to see if she'd notice it, and she did. We told the rest of our family on Christmas Eve.
      Tim left to go back to school the first week in January, I was in the hospital less than a week later. I had severe morning sickness and high blood pressure, so my doctor put me in to rest and rehydrate! I was 8 weeks along at this point and we were scared I would loose the baby, so my doctor did an ultrasound. I was alone with the tech when she asked me if twins ran in my family. I said no, but little did I know, they ran on his and my side! When I got back to my room and told my mom, she thought I was joking with her, and didn't believe it until the tech assured her that it was true.
      So how did Tim find out this time?!? Well...Once we found out that I was pregnant, he had to fill out the never ending paperwork for the Army so that I could get clearance to travel while I was pregnant. SO, I called him from the hospital and said, "You know that paperwork that you have to fill out? Well you better submit it twice." He was speechless, and then he finally said, "TWINS?" I would have paid mega dollars to have had a picture of him at that moment!!! I ended up being High-Risk, so I wasn't cleared to go to Germany! :-( So, Tim not wanting to go without me, put in for a transfer to Texas instead. We then got stationed at Ft. Hood, Texas. We made so really good friends, but otherwise hated it there.
      To make a long pregnancy short...I was put on complete bed rest. The boy's were due on August 20,1992, one year to the day that my father passed away. On July 10th Tim & I drove back home (200+ miles) for my baby shower that was to be given on the 12th. I was to be back at Ft. Hood on the 13th for a non-stress test ( they monitor the babies heart beat, and check for contractions). My body decided to reject that idea so Tim called and posponed my appointment for the next day. Let me tell ya, I was feeling really bad! We waited until I felt a little better and went home (Ft. Hood) later that day (the13th). Remember, I was not supposed to be out of bed. Well when I saw the doctor the next day, things changed quickly! Daniel's heartbeat kept decelling (stop beating) so my doctor admitted me and told me that I wouldn't leave the hospital until the twins were born. I was fine with that since I was kinda ready to get it over with. So they get me all checked in and my IV and blood work done, and Tim leaves to go get me some clothes. Things got worse from there. Tim had been on me to pack a bag for a long time, but I didn't ever do it. Trust me ladies, PACK THE BAG YOURSELF!! Things got worse after he left, thankfully my doctor was smart and sent me to another hospital. Only the hospital was almost two hours away, and I was sent by Care Flight. Whats even worse...Tim hadn't come back yet and didn't know I was flying to another hospital!!! I cried and cried, I was so afraid I was on my own. BUT, as the were wheeling me to the Emergency Room, Tim walked in the doors we were going out. He was really freaking out because he didn't know what was going on! They gave him directions to the hospital, and sent him on his way. Only thing is...not only did they give him the wrong directions, but also the wrong hospital!! Needless to say, he was sent on a wild goose chase. The Army hospital finally called the Air Force hospital, and found out I was there.

To see what happened next, go to Birth To Five Years. There you will find out the hell we went through after the boys were born(the long stay in the hospital, who has had to have 5 major surgeries and why...)

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