Kelvin Grove Community Assn. Inc.

Car Crash, Kaimanawa Street, mid-evening, Easter Sunday, 15 April 2001

The following photos show the car being removed from the scene about 45 minutes after the accident, and after the removal to hospital of the injured driver. 

This is the second accident of its type at this spot  in about 3.5 months, as another car demolished the fence that stood where the white fence (above)  is now, in similar circumstances on New Years Eve 2000. 

Speeding traffic on this stretch of street has been complained of for years. Traffic leaves the new, well-lit (but mostly unoccupied) industrial portion of Kaimanawa Street (a couple of hundred metres behind the camera). It then enters - on a sharp curve -  the 'dark side' that is the residential portion of this busy suburban access street to the suburb. This section of the street has comparatively poor street lighting and - at anything much over the speed rules - it also has yet another rather dangerous and unforgiving bend. Speeding cars that survive these bends then have several more to negotiate. The answer of course would to slow down, but ?

The Kelvin Grove Community Centre is also located on Kaimanawa Park, which in turn is opposite the houses shown in this above scene. This large hall (licensed to hold about 250 people) has no car park, which means that very frequently a great many cars are parked for hundreds of metres down either side of the road frontage  - including, of course, the roadsides shown here.......!

Footnote: There have been at least two more similar crashes in this location since this one - as at 8 August 2003.

Last Updated: 1 January 2007