There's been Chobits, Saber Marionette J, Hand Maid May, My Dear Marie, Key and
about a hundred other Anime and manga series out there with a very simple
premise: standard geek/sub-standard guy finds/builds/accidentally orders an
attractive female robot/android/cyborg who then proceeds to make his life a lot
more lively.

Well, considering that an actual crossover fic involving Ranma isn't really
likely in most cases (he's not a genius, he wouldn't have the motivation to buy
one, etc.), I figure a standard Ranma fanfic that borrows elements from these
series would be a lot more feasible.  But how would we go about it?

First, how would Ranma come across his female 'droid?
1. It attacks him.
2. Finds it in the garbage.
3. Accidentally delivered to the incorrect address.
4. Inheritance from an unknown family member.
5. It seeks him out for an unknown reason.
6. other

What sort of personality should the 'droid possess?
1. Serious
2. Eternally cheerful
3. Melancholy
4. Cautious
5. Lovable
6. Angry
7. Tabla rosa (blank slate)
8. other

What weird quirk should the 'droid have?
1. Attacks enemy targets on sight.
2. Cannot harm living beings.
3. Alcoholic.
4. Cries alot.
5. Unemotional.
6. Needs sex every 3 days to function at peek capacity.
7. Can't cook (but constantly tries).
8. Obeys Master's commands too literally.
9. other

What major defect should the 'droid suffer from?
1. Cannot remember past.
2. Will explode if harmed.
3. Hunted by military/mega-corporation
4. Shuts down for 8 hours a day.
5. Remote controlled.
6. Has a Jusenkyou curse.
7. Will die in six months.
8. other

Describe the 'droid's appearance:

Anything else you'd like to add?

Thanks for your input!

