Short Films and Installations Directed by Ken McMullen

Press here to view the short films as an alphabetical list




Art, Poetry and Particle Physics



The film charts a series of discussions and collaborations between Berger and the leading theoretical and experimental physicists John March Russell and Michael Doser. Whether discussing particle physics, poetry, the development of the atom bomb, or the ghostly theft of a glove at the grave of the writer Jorge Luis Borges,
Pioneers in Art and Science; Gustav Metzger Gustav Metzger speaks candidly and brilliantly of the influences which have shaped both his own work and the culture of our time.
? Lumen de Lumine A motion picture playing with quantum theory.
Signatures-Commemorationem A motion picture 'cartography' shot in CERN with accompanying equations.
Chain Reaction - A 40 minute documentary in collaboration with John Berger and the particle physicist John March Russell.
Freeflow- A 50 minute documentary in collaboration with john Berger,the theoretical particle physicist John March Russell, the experimentalist Michael Dosser, and the writer Michael Benson. on Borges, Poetry and Particle Physics.
Snapshots- A 20 minute document of John Berger's observations of the Art Work"Skin Without Skin".
29 Glimpses at the Ghazi A 90 minute documentary -drama for European Television on the end of the Ottoman Empire and the Sultanate and the struggle between secularism and fundamentalism
Study in Motion A 60 minute reconstruction of Muyerbridge's studies of human movement. In this case using digital possibilities of observation in and under water.
Chicago Loop A filmed document of the Chigago inner rail system. This film was originally shot as a backdrop for the stagework. Futures see below.
A 45 minute portrait of Lindsay Anderson commisioned by the British Council and subsequently shown at 25 festivals worldwide. Presently in worldwide distribution.
Molly's Mirror 4 mins. Commissioned and broadcast by ARTE, France.
Oedipus Flabergasted A revision of Sophocles plays-large and theatrical work-35mm film projected as backdrop to the action -Cochrane Theatre London.
Futures The play centres around the simple contemporary character Max in a series of ghostly encounters with major historical figures.Commissioned and produced by The British Film Institute and The National Film Theatre, London.
There we are John Commissioned by the British Council. Selected for 1994 Berlin International Film Festival panorama. In this revealing documentary, Ken McMullen creates an elegant portrait of the Filmmaker Derek Jarman.
R Explores the profound effect that his father's blindness had on Rembrandt and the way this influenced his work.
1867 The story of the painting of Manet's "Execution of Maximillian" a story that traverses vast geographical, temporal and dramatic landscapes
Being and Doing The raw material for the film was collected from 1979 to 1983 using different crews.
Lovelies and Dowdies A thirty minute documentary made in collaboration with Tadeusz Kantor the great Polish Theatre Director. One of the rare glimpses of Kantor and his "CRICOT2" theatre group in live performance.
The Discussion A three hour film Installation made in collaboration with the German Artist, Joseph Beauys. First shown at the Tate Gallery, London.
Pieces A ten minute motion picture Installation made to accompany the enviromental art work of the same name.
Patrick Heron Shot entirely on location in the artist's home and studios in Zennor, St Ives, Cornwall. Heron describes his working methods, his work on fabrics, the interaction of the Cornish Landscape and his work, his absorbing interest in colour
Ian Hamilton Finlay Both an intimate and authoritative portrait of this fascinating and important artist. It was shot entirely at his own home and in his superb garden filled with examples of his work..
Patrick Hughes Talks of his background, of his relationship to the writers and artists who have influenced him and he discusses his interest in comedy and the significance in his work of paradox and pun. The film includes sequences of Hughes printmaking at the Coriander studios in London
Terry Frost Linked by fascinating pictorial sequences Terry Frost describes his introduction to painting.