If a person reads and listens to enough of Kent Hovind a curious observation emerges - Kent Hovind has a twin.  Not only does Hovind contradict logic and reality, he also contradicts his own arguments and claims.  The following table is a limited selection of examples for illustrative purposes only.

The Neanderthals were perfectly normal humans.  Their DNA was well within the span of human DNA today - plus or minus 4%  

Truth Radio - December 19 2003 @ 38:55

They try to minimise [the difference between humans and apes], you know, 5% difference.  "Its only 5%"  Man, that's millions and millions of differences.

Truth Radio - July 8 2003 @35:10  

Professional debater?  Make my living at it?  I paid $900 to get a ticket to come up here [.....] I'm not going to make a penny off this.  I don't make money off of this. Dr. Kent Hovind vs. Dr. William Moore, September 24, 1998 Wayne State University, Detroit sourced from http://www.creationists.org/debates.html [June 2003] @ 1:11:19

Dr. Kent Hovind vs. Dr. William Moore, September 24, 1998. This is Dr. Hovind’s favorite debate [....] Your Price: $9.95 (per video tape)

http://www.drdino.com/cse.asp?pg=products&specific=jocrrpl8 [June 2003]

I can't prove creationism, but they can't prove evolution. It is [also] a religion, so it should not be taught. 
Unmasking the False Religion of Evolution Chapter 6

Christians took over the school board and voted in creationism. That can be done in any school district anywhere, and it ought to be done.

Unmasking the False Religion of Evolution Chapter 6

There is no evidence that televisions now monitor their viewers, and to my knowledge no technology exists to enable them to do so.
Online FAQ [March 2002]

I have heard that the cable TV system is going to be set up where not only can you watch the TV, the TV can watch you to monitor what is in your room http://www.lanset.com/crknudson/hovind.htm Questions About Creation - Part 2 @ 18:30 [accessed March 2002]

But you have got to understand, in the late 1700's most people believed the Bible and most people thought the earth was about 6,000 years old. 

Seminar Transcripts

A lot of scientists at one time thought all the planets go in little epicycles around the earth.  Not true.  That is what they all thought.  They used to teach big rocks fall faster than little rocks.  That was taught for 2000 years!  Not true!

Seminar Transcripts

Most Americans though do not believe the earth is billions of years old

Seminar Transcript

You do not change facts by majority opinion.  

Seminar Transcript

You can get a jar [of mud] out of your yard here, put some water in it, shake it up and set it down it will settle out into layers for you.  Hydrologic sorting [like Noah's flood].

Seminar Transcript

Uniformitarianism means ‘the way things are happening now is the way they've always been happening.’  .....  Well, the problem they don't understand is that's just simply not correct. 

Seminar Transcript

So if someone tells you, "We know the Earth is billions of years old because of carbon dating", right away you can rest assured they don't have a clue what they are talking about [because carbon dating isn't used for that].
Source: Q&A Session I @ 42:50 http://www.drdino.com/cse.asp?pg=mp3 [March 2003]

Material from layers where dinosaurs are found, carbon dated to 34,000 years old.  Hmmm, I thought dinosaurs lived 70 million years ago  (@ 49:50)
Actually, fossils are dated by the strata they are found in. They are not dated by carbon dating.
(@ 52:20)
Source: Q&A Session I http://www.drdino.com/cse.asp?pg=mp3 [March 2003]

Natural selection is kind of like God's quality control. ..... It just makes it good.  Keeps it good.  That's all it can do. 

Seminar Transcript


Abel's [animal] sacrifice pleased God simply because it involved death and blood.  And that's the only thing that will pay for our sin.  The purpose of the sacrifice was to have the sacrifice take our sin. [.....] God is not interested in your work to pay for your sin.  It requires death.  Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin, the Bible says.  So without the blood you can not be saved. [....] Cain's offering of fruits and vegetables, as wonderful as it may have looked, was not impressive to God.  Just by the same token, your good works and my good works are not impressive to God. The only thing He is looking for is the blood. 
Source: Truth Radio 4 May 2004 @ 32:15

Death is the hero of the plot because if evolution is true one animal evolves a little better than the rest for some reason - maybe a mutation or something - what must happen to the rest of them?  They have to die otherwise the good genes are diluted back into the population and lost.  Evolution is a religion of death.  Death is the hero of the plot.
Source : 3 on 1 Debate 2004 @ 8:15

If you want to compare the eyes, we are closest to an octopus.  Not a chimpanzee. 
Seminar Transcript

Now, octopuses live in the water.  Water stops UV light so they don't need the blood vessels in front.  Now, if you want to swap eyes with an octopus have at it, but you'd be blind in a few days. 

Seminar Transcript

This of course is assuming that light can be effected [sic] by gravity.  

Online FAQ [March 2002]

See also New Scientist, .... and Science News, ..... for more on gravity effecting [sic] light.

Online FAQ [March 2002]

Since they think I don't have a degree [sic], they can call me Kent, Mr. Hovind or even "hey you," if it will make them feel better. 

Source: http://www.drdino.com/FAQs/FAQmisc13.htm [2000] quoted here [Jan 2003]

What Mr. Pigliucci wants, and I don't know why you are calling him Doctor and me Mister, so let's make it a level playing field. I have a Doctors degree also, although it is not from an accredited university, but I don't think that matters.
Source: Hovind/Pigliucci Debate www.infidelguy.com @ 9:47 [May 2002]  

The word science means knowledge.  A more expanded definition is knowledge gained by observation, by experimentation, things we can observe, study and test.  I think the whole subject of origins is technically out of the field of science.  So whether it be creation or evolution, I suppose that neither one can be proven scientifically.

Source: Hovind v Pigliucci Debate @ www.infidelguy.com

His connotation is that if it is not observable, testable, demonstratable, scientific, it’s not provable.  I would like to see somebody who has ever seen an electron or an atom or a proton or a neutron.  Nobody has ever seen one.  Show me some gravity, give me a jar and paint it red.  You know, what is gravity, what is magnetism, what is light?

Source: Hovind v Farell Till Debate

Animals and plants that die today do not become fossils unless they are buried rapidly under layers of mud.

Source: Kent Hovind's booklet, Are You Being Brainwashed? - Propaganda in Science Textbooks (2002)

This four year old hound was found 20 feet up inside this chestnut oak. He must have gotten trapped chasing something. He turned to stone in only a few years. 

Source: http://www.drdino.com/cse.asp?pg=articles&specific=34 [April 2003]

The erosion rate of the continents is such that they would erode to sea level in less than 14,000,000 years ….

Source: http://www.drdino.com/cse.asp?pg=articles&specific=2 [March 2003]

The volume of lava on earth divided by its rate of efflux gives a number of only a few million years, not billions.

Source: http://www.drdino.com/cse.asp?pg=articles&specific=2 [March 2003]

I may not always be right, but if I am saying it in my seminar then I don't know it to be false.  I work hard and research a lot to try to be right.  I am certainly willing to be corrected by friend or foe

Source: http://www.drdino.com/cse.asp?pg=faq&specific=31 [April 2003]

I'm not beholden to anybody.  I don't care what Henry Morris thinks [of my arguments].  I don't care what Ken Ham thinks.  I don't care what you [Stephen Meyer] think.  I don't care what anybody thinks except Jesus. 

Source Meyers/ Hovind Debate April 2003 http://bibleandscience.com/index2.htm @42.55 [April 2003]