NOTE: This page does not include any Hovind quotes regarding Evolution Theory


It may be that reptiles today have lost - there's been a degeneration - and they've lost strength or energy and they have to drag their belly on the ground.  They're running out of gas. [.....]  So it maybe that all reptiles used to walk upright [on four legs] and now they're just like old people.  They didn't start out that way.
Source: Truth Radio 10 August @ 41:50


John Morris told me - he's president of ICR [....] - he said, "Dr Hovind, carbon dating has never worked once. It has never, ever worked."  None of the dating methods have ever worked once.
Source: Truth Radio 23 August 2004 @ 34:20


Typically, what they do is they see a star wobble.  It appears to wobble back and forth and they assume there is a large planet going around in orbit tugging on it.  Most of the evidence for planets in other solar systems is based on, I think, wild imagination. Or the base of their telescope is loose causing the wobble. Or the Earth itself is wobbling while they look at it  [the star] - the Earth does have a wobble - causing them to think the star has a wobble. 
Source: Truth Radio 26 August 2004 @ 44:10


Einstein said he thought people used less than 10% of their brain. [.....] The fact that the brain is wired to do so much more than any of us do with it is absolutely phenomenal.  How could something like this evolve that is beyond the normal usage?  I mean, if the evolutionary think is true - you know, use it or lose it kinda thing - why would we have a brain that is capable of more than we ever use? How could something like that evolve?  That indicates to me that people were smarter in the past.  Quite the opposite of evolution.
Source: Truth Radio 31 August 2004 @ 10:10


I'm in favour of the scientific method.  You develop a theory.  You gather facts to support your theory.  If you can't find any facts, you throw the theory away. 
Source: 3 on 1 Debate 2004 @ 2:09:35


A lot of things - like allergies - are directly related to problems in the back and neck. A chiropractor can fix a lot of them.
Source: Truth Radio 22 July 2004 @ 22:40


The only study I know about is when they were cutting down a massive section of rainforest in Brazil, or someplace like that. [....] And they found out as they burn wood they produce carbon dioxide which all the trees around it love.  They thrive on CO2.  So they absorb CO2 right away out of the atmosphere and they grew faster.  So here you've got trees that produce x number of cubit feet of wood per year now producing more cubic feet of wood per year all around the part that was burned.  And it was absolutely zero effect on the planet. [....] I don't think you could alter [the atmosphere] unless you set everything on fire at the same time.
Source: Truth Radio 21 July 2004 @ 32:45


You know, I know lots of people who've never been vaccinated.  It doesn't hurt.
Source: Truth Radio 21 July 2004 @ 8:20


The claim that the entire Universe was in one tiny dot called a singularity is absolutely stupid. [.....] If you can't even compress a bowl of water.  Get a cup of water and compress it into some smaller space.  It just can't be done, okay.
Source: Truth Radio 13 July 2004 @ 10:00


It is still an argument among a lot of folks; does the Earth move?  I happen to believe it does, I'm not in the geocentric position. But there are some folks who give a very convincing argument for the - I'm a heliocentric believer - but there are some folks who are still geocentric and give a very convincing position for that.
Source: Truth Radio 23 June 2004 @ 15:45


"A [ice] meteorite which travels through the atmosphere at enormous speed will experience a large amount of friction and will be heated. And when the [ice] meteorite hits the Earth an even larger amount of heat will be produced. The mammoths would not freeze, it would be fried"

[....] Let me point out to you that it is possible to spray a stream of water through the middle of a fire an come out the other side, okay.  It is true some of the water on the edge gets vaporised. What happens is in the middle of scalding hot fire you end up with a cold stream going through it if you get enough water going the same direction - it takes too long to heat it.  So I think an ice meteor coming in toward the Earth - fragments of this ice would make it through - probably pulverised it would develop its own cold channel.  What was that movie - The Day After Tomorrow [....] - they said there is a vortex coming down from the stratosphere, you know, going to be pulling down air that's going to be super cold.  Okay, here you've got the same phenomenon - it's possible to have super cold air pulled down to the surface of the Earth. [.....] If it doesn't answer your question, call in.  Or if it does - call in - say, "Thanks Mr Hovind for rescuing me from this dumb idea".
Source: Truth Radio 22 June 2004 @ 20:50


Though I will say there is a guy who works at a nuclear plant in Savannah, Georgia - came to a church I spoke at up there - he said, "Brother Hovind, I've been working around nuclear radioactive materials for many years."  He said, "I will pay anybody a thousand dollars if they can prove carbon 14 even exists."  He said, "I don't think there is even such a thing."  I said, "Brother, you got me".
Source: Truth Radio 3 June 2004 @ 33:35


As far as discovering planets around stars [....] I think that is clearly impossible.  What they do is they look and they observe.  The star seems to wobble a little bit and then they say, "Oh wow. A planet must be going around tugging at it causing it to wobble." So that's generally the evidence they use for that.  I don't think it would hold up to long in a court of law.
Source: Truth Radio 2 June 2004 @ 15:30


.... so it's totally wrong, bogus, and some bold faced lie that some professor told you that the Earth receives energy [from the Sun] and that is how [evolution] overcomes the Second Law [ of Thermodynamics].  It's just a bold face lie.  It is true we receive energy but it is not going to overcome the Second Law.
Source: Truth Radio 26 May 2004 @ 33:40


Genesis Chapter 30. Here is my understanding to what happened.  Jacob - at the watering troughs - put dividers to hold the creatures in place [.....]  Apparently he had some kind of system where the goats would come to eat or drink and he would use artificial insemination, which is what farmers often do.
Source: Truth Radio 26 May 2004 @ 28:45


Bugs don't have nostrils. Bugs breath through their skin through sphericals.  I don't think you could even demonstrate, believe it or not, I don't think you could demonstrate bugs are alive!
Source: Truth Radio 25 May 2004 @ 45:40 


There is a book here someplace, Jonathan, called The Slash Brokers.  It is about people - they'll go out and get somebody drunk - then they drug them and while they're drugged they cut out their kidneys to sell them on the black market.  So the person comes to from a drunken stupper in a bath tub full of ice with a sign "Call a doctor right away" and they've got two scars, two cuts, where their kidneys have been removed.  The person almost always dies. 
Urban legend
Source: Talk Radio 24 May 2004 @ 17:25

I think dark matter, anti-matter and missing matter are all baloney. They're used to try to rescue or support the Evolution Theory. Truth of the matter is we can see stars and galaxies - with millions of miles of nothing in between - and that makes a real problem for the evolutionist and his Big Bang Theory. 
Source: Truth Radio 19 May 2004 @ 39:45


Einstein said he thought people used less than 10% of their brain.

Urban legend Requires Adobe Acrobat 

Source Truth Radio 27 April 2004 @44:15

No one has ever seen dust accumulate into solids like stars or planets and Boyle's gas laws clearly show it cannot happen

Reply to $250,000 Challenger, KC Caldwell, 2 December 2003


Former Hovind student and now "science teacher": I was watching your video and you were debating a gentleman and he said - on a question of the scientific method (observation, experimentation, hypothesis) - and it started me thinking because I have never been in a public school - I have never been in a public college - maybe they've redefined terms so they can get around that scientific method.  He said something about the scientific method - you have to make it disprovable.


Hovind: Falsifiable


"Science teacher":  Oh, there we go - falsifiable.  Have they, in the schools, started some kind of redefining of the scientific method to be able to teach evolution without embarrassing themselves?


Hovind:  Yes.  I believe they have tried to redefine 'science'.  If you look it up in any dictionary, especially 100 years ago.  Science is knowledge gained by observation, experimentation and testing.

Source:  Truth Radio  8 January 2004 @ 8:30


By [Matson's] thinking the Earth is billions of years old.   Each layer sat there for millions of years waiting for the next one.  Which of course brings up the obvious question, where's this material coming from?  You know, you keep adding to the Earth to get this mile thick geologic column.  Where's all this dirt coming from?  It has to come from somewhere.

Source: Truth Radio 15 December 2003 @ 35:45


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