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ABC AUSTRALIA, 23/12/2002 19:06:36

Australian government criticised over inefficient travel warnings

Australia's Federal Opposition has criticised the government for not doing enough to warn its citizens about possible terrorist attacks.

As Samantha Hawley reports it comes amid ongoing concern about security in the region.

There's a fresh alert of possible terrorist action and civil disorder in Indonesia over the Christmas and New Year period. The Foreign Minister, Alexander Downer says those who choose to stay in Indonesia should be extremely cautious. "THERE COULD BE ATTACKS ESPECIALLY ON CHURCHES IN INDONESIA." The Opposition's foreign affairs spokesman, Kevin Rudd says it highlights the need for a review of the issuing of travel alerts. "WE STILL DON'T HAVE ANY IMPROVEMENT OF THE SYSTEM TO DISTRIBUTE TRAVEL WARNINGS." He wants travel agents to be required by law to inform customers about danger spots.

23/12/2002 19:06:36 | ABC Radio Australia News
© 2001 Australian Broadcasting Corporation

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