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ABC AUSTRALIA, 30/01/2003 21:43:58

INDONESIA: Laskar Jihad head found not guilty of inciting violence

30/01/2003 21:43:58 | Asia Pacific Programs


An Indonesian court has acquitted the former head of a powerful Islamic militia over charges he incited violence during bloody Muslim-Christian fighting in the Maluku islands. Jaafar Umar Thalib has also been found NOT guilty of inciting hatred against the government and defaming President Megawati Sukarnoputri. Thalib, head of the notorious Laskar Jihad militia, is the first radical Islamic leader to face an Indonesian court since President Sukarnputri took power 18 months ago. But now questions are being raised as to just how serious Jakarta is in tackling Islamic militancy.

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30/01/2003 21:43:58 | ABC Radio Australia News
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