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AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE, Wednesday January 8, 2003

Maluku: Authorities seek help from tribal leaders to enforce peace in Ambon

JAKARTA, Jan 8 (AFP) - Authorities in Indonesia's violence-torn Ambon island will seek the help of tribal leaders to bring a complete end to years of bloody sectarian conflict, an official said Wednesday.

"The meeting of rajas (tribal leaders) will be held on January 9-11 as part of efforts to enforce peace in Ambon," said Jack Saimima, spokesman for the Maluku provincial administration.

He said that apart from the rajas, who still wield considerable influence, educational and cultural experts would attend the meeting.

A bloody conflict between Muslims and Christians was sparked by a trivial dispute in January 1999. More than 5,000 people were killed and more than 500,000 others forced to flee their homes until a government-brokered peace pact was signed in February last year.

However sporadic violence has continued in Ambon island, where the provincial capital is located. bs/sm/rcw

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