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The Jakarta Post

The Jakarta Post, 12/6/2002 5:56:40 AM

Two bombs explode as Ambon Muslims prepare for Idul Fitri

JAKARTA (JP): Two home-made bombs were detonated at a vacated behind a hotal in Ambon, Maluku, on Thursday night as Muslims in the area were preparing to celebrate Idul Fitri, the end of the Ramadhan fasting month.

There were no fatalities as the area, near the Batumerah-Mardika bridge behind Hotel Wijaya II, happened to be empty at the time.

The explosions also pass almost unnoticed amid the firecrackers that were set off by Muslims to celebrate Idul Fitri.

Ambon is the scene of some of the worst civil conflicts between Christians against Muslims these last three years. The conflict started on Idul Fitri Day in January 1999.

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