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The Jakarta Post

The Jakarta Post, 1/8/2003 5:28:35 PM

Lawyer says soldiers helped attacks by Christian gang

JAKARTA (JP): A lawyer for a Christian gang suspected of deadly bombings and shootings in Maluku said Wednesday some attacks had been assisted by special forces soldiers, AFP reported.

Lawyer Christian Raharjaan said Tuesday detained members of the youth gang Coker (Cowok Keren or Cool Guys) have admitted they had waged a series of attacks since 2000, including last year's blast at a soccer stadium that killed four female athletes and the sinking of a boat that also killed four. Both Muslims and Christians died in the stadium bombing. More than 5,000 people have died in clashes between Muslims and Christians in the Malukus since 1999. A government-brokered peace pact was signed inFebruary last year but sporadic violence has continued.

"During questioning, members of the Coker gang said Kopassus (special forces) soldiers gave them directives, weapons and bombs to carry out everyattack (last year)," Raharjaan said. The 17 gang members are currently being detained at Brimob paramilitary police headquarters southeast of Jakarta. The gang has admitted it had brought almost all the attacks since last year's peace pact, Raharjaan said,adding the group staged at least 11 bombings since 2000.

"Every explosion and shooting carried out by Coker last year was facilitated by Kopassus. It's clear that the unrest in Maluku is the work of provocateurs. They use the unrest as a pretext to create the impression that without the military, Maluku won't be safe," he added. Maluku military spokesman Major Herry Suhardi said the military would investigate the suspects' alleged admissions. "It's a one-sided statement. The information about the involvement of Kopassus needed to be verified," he said.

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