Back in the Day.

These are various photos from my days in high school when I had my shitty first digital camera. Probably not too interesting, but I thought it might be.

My room senior year of high school.

Ben's band, the Misguided Lemming, playing at the college station teen centre (and yes, it was that lame.) Purple guitar is Ben. On vocals and keyboard is Chad (a In-high-school-I-was-gay type person. No one knows where he his today.) Guitarist on the far right is Joel (he has yet to come out of the closet, which is fine cos he's not that good looking.) You can't see him, but on drums in James (really fucking smart, though when you meet him you wonder how he got his shirt on the right direction.)

Me, flipping the camera off in michael's room in california.

Ben and Alan, fresh from arriving from Texas.

Alan, Ben, and I at a beach in Half Moon Bay. We're showing off our sand fortress (we built it so that the water wouldn't get on us. Michael decided that three walls was too much, and knocked two of his down later - he ended up getting completely soaked by a wave that came up a short time later.)

Alan, Ben and I at Muir Woods.

Ben, Michael, and Alan at a rest stop in Muir Woods (Michael and Ben insisted on taking the 'Ocean view' trail, which was very long and uphill. Alan (a smoker) and I (a fat ass) needed a respite from walking.)

Me, Alan, Michael, and Ben before we all left Michael to go back to Texas. (I look really dumb.)

Ben, after he got his hair cut. He's reading Spin, which is a horrible magazine.

April, Justin, and Ikrema at our hotel in Washington, D.C. We were there for the Model Organisation of American States (MOAS) convention. It was hella fun. And Justin was really really hot. (haven't seen him since.)

Omar and Jason at Washington National Airport (I will never call it Reagan airport.) Haven't spoken to them since that day.

Abunch of speech people at Dara's house.

Worthington doing his buddy christ impersonation.

Dara hates photos, so she flips me off.

Katie is looking evil playing a card game....behind her is Jeff (he's weird.)

Plane to take me from BWI to AUS after seeing Oasis for the second time.

Me and Eva at Baltimore's Inner Harbour.

Gracie and Lucky. (my two dogs that I grew up with - they ran away weeks after I went to college.)

Lucky and Gracie.

My favourite picture of Lucky. He's my favourite dog ever. I want him back.