Summer 2004

A lot happened this summer, and I won't tell about it here. If you know, you know. Even though there are problems associated with it, I had a damn good summer when I thought it was just going to be another boring one of sitting at home and looking at webpages and watching Murder, She Wrote. Enjoy!

Looking out the window of my 6:45am flight to BWI from DFW - after a night of 30 mins of sleep or less taking care of lovely drunk people. I fell asleep shortly after this picture was taken. Much thanks must be given to brian for taking me to the airport considering the night before we were under the same conditions.

View of a Maryland freeway before landing at BWI.

Judy and my Dad going to the wedding reception for my step-cousin, Kim.

Kim is in the white dress. Too bad i'm adopted and she's a step cousin, some of those genetics would have been nice.

View of where the reception was - fucking beautiful.

What I think is a very wonderful picture of one of my absolute dearest and closest friends, Eva.

Eva's hella cool boyfriend, Jake (who for some reason thinks his mobile is an accessory.)

Plane to take me to DFW, where I would make my way back to CLL after an eventful weekend.

View of downtown Baltimore.

David and I, right before he left for Chicago and I for Sherman. (July)

Kristina and I at Rachel and Sheena's apt in Dallas.

Rachel, me, Kristina, and Kristina's hella cool girlfriend Allison.

(Note: A fun game to play with the above pictures, a lot Kristina, is "Find the Heterosexual!" Very fun.)

Sheena on the ground at DFW, very happy!

Rachel at DFW.

Apparently, Sheena has this uncanny ability to stick long, small objects between her teeth.