1.Webpage illustrating use of HTML Tags
2.Webpage using functions to:

    a.find which mouse button was clicked by the user

    b.determine for a pair of integers whether the 2nd integer is a multiple of the 1st

3.Webpage for displaying the Marks Memo of III BTech CSE
4.Webpage for creating links:

    a.Within a webpage

    b.One webpage to another

    c.using image as a link

5.To develop a Webpage using Java Script:

    a.To input 3 integers& display their Sum, Average and Largest of the 3 numbers

    b.To read3 non zero values entered by the user and find out whether it is scalene,equilateral or isosceles

    c.To write word equivalent of cheque amount

6.To develop a Webpage using Java Script:

    a.To convert temperature from Celsius to Farenheit using Math object

    b.To display a clock on your webpage using Dateobject

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