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  My Philosophy of Teaching


      Every student can learn and can be successful.  It is my job as an educator to determine how each students is able to acquire knowledge and then to provide varied opportunities for each student to learn.  Education must advance the dignity, self-esteem, growth, and integrity of all students as individuals.  By providing a positive, caring environment in the classroom, I hope to give students a start on a successful school experience.

    I am a kind and caring individual.  My classroom will exude a sense of welcoming.  I will happily give my time and talents to help a student become successful.  I am fair and reasonable in my expectations of students.  I am honest and genuine in my interactions with students and fellow teachers.  Perseverance and self-motivation are my strong points, along with a good sense of humor to keep me going during trying times.  While I do not have any children of my own, I have been providing childcare for others for the past ten years.  This experience has been a tremendous asset to me as I work with students.

     I believe that students should be self-directed and responsible for their own learning; however, I want to foster cooperation between students as well.  To do this I will use cooperative learning groups, literacy circles, and class meetings in my classroom. 

     My classroom will be a caring, safe place that creates a sense of welcoming.  My room will also be rich in learning materials, such as print material, board games to stimulate thinking and strategies, computer learning resources, which will not only provide educational information, but also develop computer skills.  In addition, this room will display student work at all times. 

    I believe that if students help to create the rules than they will not only have a better understanding of them, but they will also be more likely to follow them.  The rules will have defined consequences for inappropriate behavior.  I am a strong believer in parental involvement; therefore, I will work hard to create a positive relationship with the parents of my students. 

    I believe that grades should be a reflection of the quality of work that each student creates.  Although students will be expected to show adequate progress on their standardized tests, I am most concerned about how well my students are able to apply their knowledge to their daily work. 

    I am a strong supporter of first-hand experiences and discovery.  I feel this way because in my opinion children learn best through doing, not reading or watching.  Also, when children are able to have hands-on experiences, they are able to construct their own meaning and; therefore, develop a personal understanding.  

    I strongly believe that the teacher's role in education is to be a guide to the students in their learning and they should also be a role model for their students.  I want to have an opportunity to help students grow to be healthy and successful so that they can feel more confident in our fast-paced society. 

© Kimberly S. Ream, 2005, all rights reserved / Revised Saturday, April 22, 2006