<BGSOUND SRC="therose.mid">



                 It's just the little homely things,
                   The unobtrusive,friendly things,
                 The "won't-you-let-me-help-you"things
                   That make our pathway light-
                 And it just the jolly,joking things,
                    The "never- mind- the- trouble" things,
               The "laugh-with-me, it's funny"things
                    That make the world seem bright.

                For all the countless famous things,
                   The wondrous,record-breaking things,
                Those "never-can-be-equaled"things
                    That all the papers cite,
                Aren't like the little human things,
                     The everyday-encountered things,
                 The "just-because-I-like-you"things
                     That make us happy quite.

                  So here's to all the simple things,
                     The dear"all-in-a-days-work"things
                      Trust in God to put them right!
                   The "done-and-forgotten"things,
                      The "can't-you-see-I-love-you"things
                   The hearty "I -am-with-you"things
                       That make life worth the fight !  

                                     Author  Unknown


A Wish

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