Crashed the Wedding

Kristina and Tessa had a happy life. They were friends for over eight years now and they made their shared dream come true; a small, but successful restaurant in London.

Everything was going perfect; Kristina had been proposed by her boyfriend, and now fiancé, Richard. The restaurant was going well. And Tessa, well Tessa was happy for Kristina that she finally was going to marry Richard, the love of her life. After loads of up’s and down’s between those two, Richard and Tessa made up an excuse for Kristina to come late in the evening to the restaurant when it was closed. Kristina had sounded rather confused on the phone, but eventually came. Richard and Tessa had decorated the whole restaurant in an romantic atmosphere and Tessa had played for the waitress. After the dinner Richard had proposed to Kristina and she had said a heartfelt ‘yes’. And that was that.
Tessa, on the other hand, was still single. Whenever Kristina brought up the subject ‘boyfriend’ or whatever similar she’d answered with something like, ‘I’m way too busy to have a boyfriend,’ ‘No time,’ or ‘I don’t even want a boyfriend’. So Kristina stopped asking.

It was a quiet Friday after noon. There were not many costumers, so Tessa and Kris had decided to take a five-minute break. Just when Tessa was about to take a sip from her coffee, the bell rang. And bell meant costumers, so Tessa and Kris looked at each other, laughed and then Tessa stood up.
“Yeah, yeah. I know… It’s my turn. I’m going already!”
Kris laughed at this and carefully took a sip from her coffee. Tessa walked out of the kitchen and saw three young looking men waiting to be given a table.
“Hi, my name’s Tessa. I’ll be your waitress for the night. Follow me please.”
The tallest one of the three smirked, but followed his other two mates to a table. When all three sat down, Tessa got the menu’s from behind the bar. She handed out the menu’s .
“There you go. Now, would you like anything to drink, gentlemen?” Tessa smiled. A fake smile, mind. ‘Cos the first second she saw those three.. three.. men coming in, she knew there was going to be trouble.
“White wine, please.” The blonde, blue eyed, lad said.
“White wine.. You sir?” Tessa looked down at the dark haired, red tips lad.
“A Guiness please. Make that two if you’d like one for yourself too.” The guy winked at her. Tessa sighed, at the same time as the blonde fellow. Tessa looked at the blonde one quickly. He on his turn, was looking annoyed at the dark haired one. (I hear you thinking: “When is she going to ask their names?!”) Tessa rolled her eyes and changed her gaze from the blonde one to the tall one.
“And you?” He was inspecting the menu.
“Ahem, sir?” He looked up.
“Oh, sorry. Erm, same as James.” Tessa pulled up an eyebrow. Now who of the other two was James?! The lad saw her look and smiled.
“Silly me, white wine please. I’m Charlie by the way. That’s James and the rude one is Matt.” Tessa smiled back at him.
“Ok, I’ll be right back with the drinks. In the mean time, please look through the menu.” Tessa clicked her pen and turned on her heels. Her smile faded and turned into an annoyed look. She pushed the door to the kitchen open.
“Why do I always get the rude ones?!” she yelled through the kitchen.
“Eh, calm down! What happened?” Kristina asked and frowned her forehead. Tessa filled two glasses with white wine.
“Oh nothing. He was probably just trying to be nice.” A sigh.
“No, he’s always like that. Erm, do you have something to clean spilled water with?” A head poked around the kitchen door. It was the blonde one, James.
“Yeah sure. What happened? Hold on a sec.” Tessa turned to Kris.
“Can you bring the drinks? Erm, yes and a Guiness.” Again Tessa turned around, to James this time.
“So?” She asked.
“Well, Charlie sort of knocked over a glass of water. Erm, on Matt’s lap.” Tessa giggled.
“Well, he’s gonna clean up that himself. I’ll do the rest.” James smiled.
“Do you think I’m rude?” James stopped Tessa by pulling her by the arm.
“Oh no! What makes you think that? I only said.. well.. what I mean was, or better who I meant was, was that Matt person over there.” She pointed vaguely towards Matt.
“Ahh, babe. You’re coming to help me cleaning this up?” Matt asked.
“No, you arsehole. The toilets are over there.” She pointed in the direction of the bar.
“Where did you say it was, hun? Can’t you bring me?” Matt pulled a doggy face.
“If you don’t watch your mouth I’ll bring you to the door!” Tessa said sharply. Kris came up with the drinks and seemed to be a gift from above.
“C’mon, I’ll show you.” Kris said politely and showed Matt the way to the toilets.
“Charlie, that was the last time I’m ever gonna take him out to dinner. Never, ever again. You hear me?!” James practically screamed through the restaurant. Charlie only nodded. James kneeled down next to Tessa to help her clean up the mess.
“Why do I seem to be the only normal person in this band?” Tessa looked up at him.
“Uhm, band?”
“Uhm, yes?”
“What kind of band?” Tessa asked curious. James stood up and walked Tessa back to the kitchen.
“Well, I’m rather surprised you didn’t recognise us three.” James said while washing his hands.
“How’s that?” Tessa asked confused. She had really no idea who he was. Yes, well, she knew his name was James. But what band? No idea!
“’Cos we had like, 8 massive hits in three years, two triple platinum albums and about 6 different music awards.”
“Oh. And what’s the band called?”
“Oh right.” James dried his hands on a towel.
“So, you own this place?” He asked while leaning against the sink.
“Yes, together with Kris, mind. I could never do this on my own.” Tessa replied, looking around the kitchen.
“It’s nice.” James said and smiled.
“Thank you. Shall we go back to your friends?” James was thinking before he answered.
“Yes, you stay here though. No wait, you take our orders, then I’m gonna help you make the meals. Or at least… try to. The way Jamie Oliver always prepares his food, it looks so easy. Just wondering how it really goes.” James laughed. He turned to the kitchen door and walked back to his table. Tessa smiled to herself, got her notepad and walked back into the restaurant. She clicked her pen.
“Can I take your orders, gentlemen?” Charlie swiftly looked through the menu again.
“Yes, the steak, medium please, menu. Just gimme it all.” Charlie smiled at Tessa.
“Okay, and you… sir?” Matt looked up from the menu he was holding in front 9of his face.
“Same as Charlie please.” Wow! What did Kris say to him while bringing him to the loo?! She wrote down the two’s orders and turned to James.
“Steak, but with salad and fries instead of vegetables.” Tessa nodded.
“Comin’ up.” She turned on her heels and walked over to the kitchen. James was right behind her.
“So, what are we gonna make first?” He asked. Tessa jumped up an inch.
“I actually thought you were joking!” She laughed. “You don’t seriously think I’m gonna make this myself do you? We have cooks for that.” She winked at him.
“Oh… right.”  James said disappointed. Suddenly, Tessa got a brainwave.
“But if you really want to see a professional cook at work… I suppose you can take a look over there. I’m afraid they won’t let you help though. But, if you really, really want to try some of the stuff they use here, I guess you can come back after closing time and I’ll show you some of my personal skills.” Tessa said. James couldn’t help but smile.
“That would be great!” Tessa gave the note to one of the cooks in the massive kitchen. She whispered something in his ear.
“Okay, James. Come with me please.” The cook said. James followed him but suddenly stopped.
“Aren’t you coming with me?” Tessa sniggered.
“Nooo, I’ve got other things to do. See ya when your food is ready!”

Time flew by, and before Tessa knew it James and his mates had left the restaurant and it was nearly closing time.
“Are you gonna lock up, Tes? ‘Cos Richard will be here any second now to pick me up.” Kris asked Tessa when they were sat at the bar.
“Yep, sure.” A car honked outside.
“That’ll be him! See ya tomorrow!” Kris waved and left Tessa in the almost dark, empty restaurant.
The bell rang. Tessa jumped up, then realised it was only James. James! She’d totally forgotten about him!
“Hi, did I scare you?” James asked, while hanging up his jacket.
“Erm, yes a bit.” She stood up from the stool.
“Sorry. So, what can you show me?” James asked excited, rubbing his hands together.
“Well, I guess I can show how to fillet fish, make a simple salad and how to make a lovely chocolate ice cream banana flambé.” James nodded.
“Okay, cool. Where do we start?” He asked, looking around.
“First… let’s go to the kitchen.” She took James by his hand and led him to the kitchen, in front of an empty kitchen unit. She got two fishes out of the fridge and showed him how to fillet them.
“Well, that wasn’t so hard was it?” Tessa asked, as seeing James’ perfectly fillet fish.
“That was quite easy actually.” James admitted.
“Okay, good. The salad. Can you get me some tomatoes and stuff?” James nodded, walked over to the fridge and just got everything out that seemed to be useful for a salad to him. He put it all next to Tessa. He got himself behind her and gently placed his hands up her waist.
“I wanna see things from up close.” He whispered in her ear, pulling her more close to his body.
“Let’s skip the salad and go straight to desert.” James said cheekily. His hands wandered off to her stomach, then more up.
“I don’t think this is a good idea, James.” She pushed James’ hands off her and turned round to face him.
“What? What did you think I was intending to do then?” He grinned cheekily and, totally ignoring her crystal clear ‘no’, caressed her cheek. He leant in to her. Tessa began to panic.
“James, I said no!” And with that, she pushed him as hard as possible away from him and quickly turned to the kitchen door. But before she got the change to open it, some one from the other side opened it.
“Well, last time I checked, no meant no…” Charlie walked in.
“I think you owe her an apology mate.” Charlie said, pulling James up who had fallen on the ground cos of Tessa’s powerful push. James said nothing, but walked straight out of the kitchen with his tail between his legs.
“Are you okay? He didn’t do anything, did he?” Tessa shook her head.
“Yeah, I’m fine. What’s with him? He sounded so sweet…” A sad look appeared on her face.
“At first he acted normal. We had a bit of a laugh, but I never gave him the idea…” A tear rolled down her cheek.
“Hey, it’s okay. He didn’t do anything.” Charlie took her in his arms.
“There is something you call over reacting.” He sighed and stroked her hair. Tessa, unfortunately for Charlie, heard him and backed away.
“Can you please leave now?” She sobbed. Charlie nodded, sighed, and then turned on his heels to leave the restaurant.

That night, Tessa had a horrible nightmare. It was about her past, which no one knew about. Except for her and her rapist, that is. Before she knew Kris, when she was still in college, Tessa had been raped. No one, not even her parents knew about this. ‘Cos of James’ stupid actions, but how could he know, all the memories had come up again. Tessa had cried herself to sleep, which followed with a nightmare.
She woke up screaming, sweating all over her body. She sat up straight in her bed. Suddenly she remembered that James had given her his phone number when he and his mates had left the restaurant. She stepped out of bed, got the number out of her purse and dialled it.
“Hello?” A sleepy voice said.
“Hi James, it’s me Tessa. Can I drop by? We need to talk.”
“Yeah sure, but it’s in the middle of the night you know.”
“Yeah, I know. But I think I need to talk to you about my behaviour earlier tod… last night.”
“Okay, so do I.” James gave his address, they said their goodbye’s and Tessa dressed herself.

Within an hour, Tessa stopped in front of his house. She didn’t need to ring the bell, as James was already waiting for her at the door, with only wearing a boxer and a bathrobe.
“Good morning, please come in.” Tessa nodded and smiled weakly as she stepped in the house.
“Do you want some tea, coffee?” James asked politely.
“Tea please.”
“Right, comin’ up.” He walked off to the kitchen to come back after five minutes with two mugs with fresh, hot tea.
“I’m sorry for the way I acted last night. I was just… You looked so beautiful chopping up those things. Fully concentrated. I shouldn’t have done that. I’m sorry.” James said, and finally sat down next to Tessa on the couch. Tessa smiled.
“Well, it’s not your fault. I was over reacting. There’s just… this thing that happened a few years back. I haven’t told this to anyone, but…” Then Tessa told him the whole how she’d been raped, was afraid to tell anyone, let alone the police. After her story, she cried for a bit and James tried to comfort her, saying it was not her fault and holding her in his arms. Trying his best not to kiss her or anything.

After a couple of hours, Tessa had finally fallen asleep on James’ chest. He was still stroking her hair and humming an unknown song, when he fell asleep himself. He slept for two hours, and woke up by the buzzing sound of his phone, which was lying on the table. He ignored it. He looked at his watch; 7.30am. He had to be at work in two hours.
“Hey babe, wake up.” He caressed her cheek gently. Tessa flicked her eyes a few times to let them adjust to the light. A quick look around and James’ blue eyes told her where she was.
“Hiya.” She said and got up from his chest.
“Erm, I don’t want to rush you or anything, but I have to go in like, an hour.” James said, looking up at Tessa.
“Okay, sorry for the inconvenience. I’ll grab my stuff together and leave.” Tessa apologised. She looked around to get her stuff, but since she hadn’t taken anything more with her than her jacket, she put that on.
“Thank for hearing me out.” She smiled to him. James nodded his head.
“Anytime.” Tessa left the house and went back to her own place.

Back at hers again, Tessa quickly showered, brushed her teeth and pulled on some clothes to head off for work.

Kris had arrived earlier than Tessa at the restaurant.
“Hey, good morning!” Tessa smiled at Kris.
“Hi, you sound cheerful this early morning. Anyway, there’s a message for you on the machine. Please get your own!” Kris said sarcastically and turned to the kitchen to start with the financial part of the restaurant. Tessa walked over to the answering machine and pushed a button.
“Hey, it’s James. You left rather quickly this morning…” A pause. “But anyway, you’ve forgotten… something at mine last night, so I was wondering if you could come and pick it up tonight, by let’s say 7pm? Lemme know, bye.” Tessa smiled broadly.
“You were at his last night?” Kris asked, poking her head around the kitchen door.
“Erm, yes. Long story. I don’t remember leaving anything there…” Tessa said slowly, while thinking what it could be.
“Well, that’s why you’ve forgotten, you silly!” Kris laughed. “Anyway, it sounded like he was making up an excuse for you to drop by.” She winked at Tessa.
“Hmm, maybe.” Tessa said and picked up the phone to dial James’ mobile number.
“Hello?” A voice said after a minute of ringing.
“Hey, it’s Tes…” She couldn’t finish her sentence ‘cos James interrupted her.
“Oh yeah, I’m very sorry, I really am, but we’re in the middle of an interview. Can I call you back in an hour?” Tessa nodded into the receiver, then realised she had to speak in it.
“Yep, okay. Bye.”
She hung up and was sure she had heard Matt yelling in the background: “Ohh, lover boy! It’s that Tessa, huh?! Oh man, she is so fine!” Or something along those lines anyway. She grinned to herself and joined Kris in the kitchen.

After about 45 minutes the phone rang. Kris picked up.
“T.K.’s. It’s Kris, can I help you?” A short pause.
“Hey, it’s James. Is Tessa around?” It was James obviously.
“Yep, hold on. TES, PHONE FOR YOU!!” Tessa rushed over to the phone and nodded her head as if to say ‘Who is it?’. Kris mimed a ‘James’ and left Tessa for a private conversation.
“Hello?” Tessa said nervously.
“Hey babe, it’s me.” James assumed that she’d know who he was by now.
“Oh yeah, hi! You said I forgot something at yours last night?” Tessa asked, still confused. James grinned.
“Erm, yes. I can’t go anywhere tonight, I’m stuck at home so could you please pick it up?”
“Okay, 7pm you said, huh? Well, can you tell me what it is?”
“Erm, no. I’ve forgotten what it is. Gotta go now. See ya tonight! Bye!” And before Tessa had the chance to answer, James had hung up.

A long day, full of hard work had followed after James’ phone call. Kris and Tessa were busy cleaning up when that annoying ‘COSTUMORS!’ bell rang. Without looking who it was, Tessa opened her mouth to speak.
“Sorry, we’re closed. Come back tomorrow please.”
“Oh right, well, I wasn’t here for dinner or anything. But I’ll go anyway.” The voice sounded familiar, so Tessa turned around to see Matt standing there, no really sure what to do.
“Oh, it’s you.” Tessa said, and straightened her back.
“Yes, it’s me, erm… hi. Just wanted to say sorry for my behaviour the other night.” Tessa nodded.
“It’s okay, happens all the time.”
“Right. Now, will you please come with me? I’m supposed to drop you off at James’.” Tessa looked over to Kris, who nodded.
“It’s okay, I’ll clean up. Go, have fun!” Tessa smiled and followed Matt to his car.
“Why are you bringing me to James? Thought I was supposed to get there by myself.” Matt Looked over at her for a moment, before getting back to the road.
“Yeah, I wanted to talk to you first.” Tessa shoved from side to side uncomfortably. Matt turned in an empty street, which led to a small park.
“Okay…” He said while turning off the engine.
“Okay what?” Tessa asked, slightly nervous. Matt noticed her being a bit nervous.
“I’m not going to do anything to you. I swear! Just wanted to talk to you about James for a bit.”
“James? What about him?”
“Well, he’s been on the phone, arranging things all day. And it wasn’t for the band, I’m sure. I dunno what he’s up to, but it’s worrying me.”
“Oh right. Maybe he’s on the phone with his family?”
“No, he was busy ordering things for tonight, at his house.”
“Well, maybe that’s why he can’t leave the house tonight.”
“Argh! Tes, listen to me. He’s up to something. I just know it!”
“Okay, if you’re that worried, drop me off at James’, wait half an hour outside and if you hear me scream you come and save me. Okay?” Matt nodded.
“Okay, but it’s just not feeling right.”
“Just drop me off, will you?!” Again Matt nodded, started the engine and drove off to James house.
They didn’t say anything on the way. Only a short ‘bye’ when Tessa slammed the car door. Tessa rang the doorbell.
“Hey! How’s you and why is Matt standing there?”
“Hi, I’m fine and he thinks you’re gonna kill me. Can we get in please?” James laughed and let Tessa in.
“Now, what did I forget?”
“Erm…” James looked around quickly. “This…” He handed over a little box, after searching through his pockets. Tessa opened it. There was a beautiful necklace with a diamond filled heart in it.
“This isn’t mine.” Tessa said, closed the box and gave it back to James.
“It is now.” James said, opening the box again, taking the necklace out and put it around Tessa’s neck. James looked in her eyes; his eyes filled with sparkles.
“Oh… thank you James. It’s lovely. But what for?” James took her hand.
“Cos I like you so much.” He smiled weakly, and blushed a bit.
“Aww, that’s so sweet! I like you too.” Tessa replied and kissed him gently on his cheek as a thank you. Their eyes met again in a gaze. James let go of her hand and brushed some hair out of her face.
“Is it okay if I kiss you?” James voice trembled, Tessa smiled and mumbled a ‘uhuh’. James lend in and kissed her softly on her lips. Tessa kissed him back more passionately.

Four months of passionate love, hatred from Tessa’s parents towards James and a break up followed.
“But why?! James, why..?” Tessa sobbed into James’ chest.
“’Cos… ‘cos I don’t get to see you so much, babe. This is the first time in two weeks that I’m able to see you again, dammit. It breaks my heart to leave you behind every time I have to go somewhere with the band.”
“But I can go with you!”
“No, you can’t. You have the restaurant to take care of.”
“I can quit that…”
“You can’t. It’s your dream.”
“my dream is to be with dream you.”
“You’ll find someone else.”
“Don’t say that! I can’t love someone else as much as I love you!”
“I have to go now. Remember that I love you babe.” And with one last kiss on her forehead, he walked out of her life.

After that, she’d been in bed for three weeks; crying her heart out, not eating, not doing anything. Kris forced her to go to work again and it had helped her a bit to get her mind off of James.

A month later, Kris and Tessa were celebrating the last day before Kris would get married. Tessa had found a new love. His name was Dave, and he looked God damn much like James. That’s probably why she’d fallen for him. It sure wasn’t his personality that attracted her so much. It didn’t matter what he did; calling her a bitch for not cooking, hitting her when she’d forgotten to set a beer and the paper on table when he came home from work. All Tessa could see was James. Kris had tried to talk her out of the marriage when Tessa had told her she was going to marry Dave. Of course she’d said yes. All of Kris’ tries were helpless. ‘Til the day Tessa called James instead of Dave when Kris told her there was a phone call for her. The week after would be the wedding… That gave Kris the marvellous idea to… nah, that would never work, would it?

Tessa was pulling on her wedding dress when Kris came stumbling in the room.
“Hey mate! Getting excited yet?” Tessa nodded excited.
“Hell yeah! Finally I’m gonna marry him…” She gazed into the mirror.
“Up for some music while getting you ready?” Kris asked, a cheeky smile on her face.
“Yeah sure.”
“Okay, I have this promo single from a band. I think it’s quite cool.”
“Bring it on!” Kris opened the CD player and put the CD in.
“You’re so gonna love this!” She pressed the play button and walked over to Tessa to do her hair.
“I’m so rushed off my feet, looking for Gordon street. So much I need to say, I’m sorry that it’s on your wedding day. ‘Cos she’s so right for me, her daddy disagrees. He’s always hated me ‘cos I never got a J-O-B. ‘Cos she’s mine, and I’m glad I crashed the wedding, it’s better than regretting. I could’ve been a loser kid, who ran away and hid. But it’s the best thing I ever did. ‘Cos true love last forever, and now we’re back together. It’s as if he’d never met her. So looking back, I’m glad I crashed the wedding…” Tessa pulled up an eyebrow.
“Are you trying to say something with this?”
“ No, I just like the song.”
“Yeah, riiight…” Tessa whispered.

An half an hour later, Tessa walked up the aisle. Dave was standing there, smiling broadly. After 5 minutes of boring bull, the question finally came.
“Will you, Dave Matthew Harris, take Tessa Aimee Bolan to be your wedded wife? Will you love her, honour her and keep her in sickness and in health until death do you part?”
“I will” Was Dave’s answer.
“And will you, Tessa Aimee Bolan, take Dave Matthew Harris to be your wedded husband? Will you love his, honour his and keep his in sickness and in health until death do you part?”
“I w...”
“No, she won’t!” A voice echoed through the church. Everyone turned around. James stood in the doorway.
“WHAT?! Who the hell is he?!” Dave turned to Tessa, who could only smile from ear to ear. She pulled up her dress and started to run. Kris came up to Dave.
“Dave mate, this is what you call true love; crash the wedding of the love of your life to get her back…” She put a hand on his shoulder and watched Tessa run up to James.
“James! Oh my God, James..”
“Babe, I love you. I should’ve never left you at the airport. I’m so sorry.”
A tear fell down his cheek. Tessa wiped it away.
“It’s okay. We’re back together now. I love you too.” James smiled and looked over Tessa’s shoulder into the church. Dave came storming their way.
“I think we’d better get out of here…” Tessa turned around and giggled.
“Good idea!”