Three Little Words

“That’s sick, Izzy. That’s really, really sick.” The words echoed in her head. “Stop saying sick over and over again, Matt. It’s just a few cuts.” Izzy looked up from her arm, which was covered in cuts., and glared over at Matt. “Oh, shut up you. I always knew you were mental.” He gave a weak smile and walked over to Izzy, who was sitting on his bed. Izzy had a weird habit of cutting herself when things were going bad, i.e. school or parents. She never told Matt, but he found out when she  had strolled up her sleeves, unaware that the cuts were not healed yet.
Matt got hold of her arm. “Now let me kiss it all better.” He kept looking at her while kissing her lower arm. It tickled a bit, it hurt even more, but Izzy didn’t pull away. She secretly had a huge crush on Matt. She had met him through one of her male mates, and Matt was an older brother of her mate. Dave, the mate, wasn’t at home, so Matt had led her to his bedroom, knowing Dave wouldn’t get home till dinner time. And seeing as it was a Sunday morning, he could spend basically the whole day being around her.
Izzy pulled a painful face. “Sorry,” Matt apologised. Tears pricked in Izzy’s eyes. Matt’s hand moved from her arm to her shoulder, adding his other arm and giving her a big hug. The words were stuck in his throat, he couldn’t get them out. If he would say those three little words, everything would change. But he couldn’t, not yet.
Izzy pulled away first, “You know Matt?” “Hmm?” Matt stood up from the bed, turning his back to her, so she couldn’t see the growing bump in his trousers. He looked out of the window, praying to god she hadn’t seen it. Izzy wiped away the single tear on her cheek. She stood up as well, walking over to Matt, standing next to him, looking out of the window. Matt’s hands tried to cover up the bump. Izzy forgot what she wanted to say, when her eye caught sight of Matt’s hands reaching over to his bits, not really naturally moving to rearrange or whatever boys do. She raised an eyebrow. “What the f*ck are you doing?!” She laughed. Matt panicked. “Err…oh! Err…nothing! Really!” His brain was on full speed, trying to think of an excuse or cover up. He quickly turned around, jumped on his bed and grabbed his guitar. Phew! Saved by the guitar!
“Oookay… and you said I have a screw loose?” Izzy said sarcastically, jumping on the bed next to him, snuggling up to him, as far as that was possible cos he was holding that guitar. Her head on his shoulder, just the way he liked it. Guitar, girl… only problem was that she wasn’t his girl.  “Play me something, anything.” Izzy whispered into his ear. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up, a shiver down his spine. “Matt? Play me something, please?” He woke up from a naughty daydream. “Huh? What? Oh, yeah sure.” He smiled. He gently touched the chords. Izzy loved the way he played guitar and he could sing pretty good too. “ Find me and show me, what do you want from me? There’s gotta be better than this. I don’t wanna leave you, but baby, I need to.”
He ended his last chord with a satisfied smile curling around the corners of his mouth. He found Izzy sleeping on his shoulder. He put the guitar on the floor, crouched down, and moved Izzy’s head from his shoulder to his chest. Izzy, still sleeping, moved her arm over his chest, Matt softly stroking her hair. This was a moment he could only dream of, but now it was really happening. Oh, it wasn’t. She was just sleeping. He in twined his fingers with hers. He turned her arm to take a look at the cuts. He was getting worried; the cuts were quite deep, close to her veins. She was lucky this time, but he was afraid of how it could end next time. “Hey Matt, have you s…” Dave came stumbling in the room. His eyes nearly popped out of his head. “Sorry! I didn’t know you two were busy!”  Still, he stood there, not moving an inch, not knowing where to look. Izzy woke up by the screaming Dave. “Yo mateage…” she said sleepy, She got up from Matt. “Thanks for keeping me company, Matt.”
“Okay, I’ll be downstairs if you need me,” Dave said, walking out of the room.
“Will be right there.” Izzy replied and lend in to kiss Matt on his cheek. Damn bump! Before he’s even realised it, he had pulled her in for a kiss, longer, more passionate than he ever kissed anyone.
Matt blinked and realised he hadn’t done it. She was walking out of his room, waving, smiling, walking down to his brother who would probably rip her clothes off and f*ck her right there in the living room.
He shook the thought out of his head; imagining your brother getting it on with the girl you like is NOT a good thought.
He heard Dave yelling that she had to stay away from his brother, Izzy yelling a ‘f*ck you’ and slamming the front door, Dave running up the stairs, entering Matt’s room.
“And what the hell do you think you were doing?!” He screamed, waving his arms like a mad man. “She fell asleep, calm down bro’. We didn’t do anything. She doesn’t even like me for God’s sake!” Matt replied, pushing Dave out of his room. He sighed deep, then threw himself back on bed, waking up a few hours later from his phone ringing. “Hello?” He said. “Yeah, hey. Matt, it’s me. I’m sorry about Dave. I don’t know what he was thinking, we’re cool right?” Matt smiled into the phone. “Yeah, we’re cool. Listen, I was thinking…”
“Yeah? I didn’t know you could think, babe.” Oh God, good thing she wasn’t there in his room right now. Only hearing her voice could turn him on.
“Shut up. Anyway, I was thinking, do you fancy going out tonight? I know it’s Sunday, but I promise we wont be home late.”
Yeah, that sounded good. Casual, but desperate. Oh God, he blew it!
“Actually, I do. Pick me up at 8. See you then, bye!”
“Yep, bye!”
Izzy put down her phone, so happy he finally asked her out. Well, it wasn’t really a date, just going out clubbing, but she would be alone with him. No Dave around disturbing them.
God, she had to hurry! It was nearly six and she had to shower, dress herself, doing her hair. Okay, so Izzy wasn’t one of those Barbie’s like the cheerleaders in school. She was more the skate-girl girlie. But this was different, she liked this guy. A lot.
So she did as she had planned; shower, dress, hair, make-up, 7.30, done, 8pm no Matt, 8.30, a honking car. She couldn’t believe he was late! Her mum opened the door, “Isabelle! Dave’s at the door!” Huh? Dave? What the..? “Yo Izzy, Matt asked me to pick you up. I think he’s up to something.” He said, winking. Ooookay. Whatever. She got in his car, going a totally different direction that to the club or his house. The woods. “C’mon Iz. He’s there!” Dave pointed into the woods, taking Izzy’s hand and leading her into the darkness. “Okay, he told me to get you up here, now close your eyes. He will be right here.” Izzy closed her eyes. What would he be up to? She felt she was getting blindfolded. “Err…Dave?” “Yeah, just in case you’re peeking.” He gently pushed her against a tree. She could hear Dave wandering around, picking up things. A slam against her head made her blacking out.

Waking up again, probably hours later, still in the darkness, she could feel blood trickling down her hands. Then the pain in her wrists. The a light coming from in front of her. The blindfold getting ripped off, a screaming Matt, confused, panicked, getting the rope off of her; she had been tied up against the tree, Matt catching her as she fell down, still screaming, but she couldn’t hear him. Tears flooding down his cheeks. Ambulance lights in the distance, Matt holding her wrists, ambulance people all over the place. A red curtain closed in front of her eyes.

“Izzy?” Matt whispered, caressing her cheek, kissing it every so often. “Izzy baby, wake up. Please, I need you. I love you.” First time he ever said those three little words. “I love you.” He kept on repeating them. Over and over again. Until the line went flat, and a monotonous sound was heard, meaning she was gone.
Doctors and nurses storming in the room, pushing Matt out and knocking over a bouquet of flowers. And little card, saying, ‘Thought I’d do it for you this time. Love Dave x’