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'DUDE! How amazing were you?!'

  Billie Joe Armstrong grinned as he was approached backstage by Matt Willis after one of their UK gigs. 'Thanks.'

  'Seriously man, you were wicked!'

  Billie's grin faded and his brow furrowed in confusion. 'Have I seen you somewhere before?'

  'Um, possibly? I'm in a band.'

  'Cool, which band?'

  'Busted.' Matt hoped that Billie wasn't one of those haters.

  'OOOH, people - you know, British journalists and that - they keep asking me what I think of bands like Busted, and I'm like 'well I can't judge them, never heard of them.' They said you're like a punk boy band - what the fuck is all that about?'

  Matt snorted. 'We're not punk. Or a boy band. But we are what we are, some say pop rock. Some say we try to be punk but that's bullshit.'

  'Ah OK. So.. what ARE you like? What sort of bands inspire you and stuff, I mean?'

  'Well.. Blink 182 are probably the main one. I really look up to people like you as well, and the Foo Fighters and stuff, you know?'

  Billie nodded. 'That's cool. I'll have to listen out for some of your stuff some time. Right, I'd better go see what the other guys are doing. See you around, yeah?'

  'Okay, I'll come and see you again on Thursday.'

  'Really? Cool. Bring one of your CDs or something if you like and come backstage again.'

  'Okay.' Matt grinned and watched as Billie made his way through to Green Day's dressing room.


Thursday arrived after a painstakingly long Wednesday of Busted photoshoots and interviews with various teen pop magazines passed. Matt was awakened by Biffy Clyro's latest CD blasting out of Rob, his flat mate's room.

  'Dude, turn it down, will you!' Matt yelled, turning over and covering his head with his pillow. He aimed to sleep through the morning, since his schedule was only booked in the afternoon by a random interview.

  The music stopped and his bedroom door opened. 'Well at least it woke you up.'

  'What do you want?'

  'It's not what I want, mate, but you ought to check the time.'

  Matt groaned and reached over to grab his phone which lay on top of his trousers from yesterday on the floor. 2.07pm.

  'FUCK man, where did the time go?!'

  'Up my ass. Now get ready, you've got to be down there in twenty minutes!'

  'Okay, okay,' Matt grumbled as he rolled out of bed and lazily pulled on the same pair of trousers that he'd worn for the past three days.

  'Good boy.' Rob grinned before leaving the room again.


Music blared from the amplifiers, a voice cutting through the wild guitar riffs and drum beats.

  'St. Jimmy's coming down across the alleyway... my name is Jimmy and you better not wear it out!'

  The crowd went wild as they experienced the full level of Green Day's live performance. Matt felt himself being pushed around, arms from all directions whacking various parts of his body as the mosh pit flew into full mode.

  'And now, you all know and hopefully love this song, and I'm sorry that it's got to be our last for tonight, but all good things come to an end eventually. Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed the show, this is of course AMERICAN IDIOT!'

  Billie started the famous riff as the crowd exploded, every single individual singing (or screaming) their hearts out along to the song.

  'Thanks a lot, you guys are the best, see you another time!' Billie yelled after the song had finished. As the band disappeared from the stage, most of the crowd staggered towards either the bar or the door. Matt, however, walked over to the backstage door. He was let in immediately, and he wandered through to find the band.

  'Hey man! You made it then?' Billie grinned.

  'I did indeed.'

  'Brought your CD?'

  'I did indeed.' Matt's hands shook slightly as he removed three slightly damaged CD cases from his pocket. 'Don't know how they survived but there you go.'

  'Wow, you've had three albums and I haven't heard anything from you?'

  'Well.. two really - the other one's a live album.'

  'Cool, come on back with me. I'm sure I can dig up a stereo somewhere.'

  Matt's heart raced as he followed him cautiously. It wasn't like Matt to be so uptight and nervous, but Billie Joe was one of his idols, and if he didn't like his music.. how embarrassing would that be?!

  Billie held open a door for him, which Matt walked through, nervously looking around. Even though he'd been in the music industry for two years, meeting loads of successful artists, he still found it hard to believe he was in Green Day's dressing room.

  'Mike, Tre, this is.. shit.' Billie realised he'd never asked for Matt's name.

  Matt laughed. 'I'm Matt Willis.'

  'Thanks,' Billie smiled, blushing at his own rudeness. 'Anyway, he's in a band, Busted.'

  'Punk boyband?' Mike raised an eyebrow.

  'Not quite,' Matt said.

  'I didn't think that quite worked,' Mike laughed.

  'Anyone got a stereo?'

  Tre shook his head. 'There's one next door though. In the props room or something.' He shrugged.

  'Okay, thanks.' Billie looked at Matt and motioned towards the door, which Matt moved towards and held open for Billie.

  'See you around,' Tre called after Matt, and Matt turned to wave to him and Mike.

  Billie cautiously turned the handle of the next door along, both boys wondering if they were really allowed to go in there. Billie pushed it open and flicked the light switch on the inside wall. Matt followed him inside and closed the door again. Billie quickly spotted the CD player over on top of a random barrel, cable dangling down the side.

  'Can ya plug it in?' He passed the cable to Matt, who was nearest to a plug. 'Okay, which CD?'

  'Um.' Matt stalled, thinking. Which would impress him the most? Should he choose one with a track that he wrote? Hang on, that would be all of them. 'Erm, A Present For Everyone.' God, what a cringey name, he thought, as Billie nodded and took the CD out of its case.

  'Who writes the songs?'

  'All of us.'

  'Just the three of you?' Billie asked as he put the CD in and pressed play.

  'Well, we got a few co writers, but mainly just us, yeah. And a guy in another band, McFly.'

  'Oh yeah, I've heard about them as well. Apparently they're your baby band.'

  Matt laughed as he sat on a beanie cushion. 'They're more.. pop. And 60s inspired, sort of thing.'

  'Oh.. right. So you're better than them?'

  'Well I don't like to be big headed, so.. no. I don't know.' The riff of the Air Hostess intro began, and Matt gritted his teeth, waiting for Billie to tell him that it was crap. 'I guess this, er, isn't our best track.'

  'Oh really? Well I don't think it's that bad so far.'

  Matt sighed with relief. 'Thanks.' He watched Billie for a moment, hoping that what he was thinking wasn't true. Of course he didn't think Billie was fit. But.. oh, he so did. He swallowed, blinked slowly, took a deep breath and blinked again.

  The chorus kicked in, and Billie laughed. 'Well, your lyrics really are something.'

  'Is that good or bad?' Matt's cheeks went red as the famous 'I messed my pants when we flew over France' line came on, causing Billie to laugh louder.

  'Well after that line, good. It's funny. Not many bands would get away with that sort of thing. I like bands like that.'

  'Really?' Matt raised an eyebrow.

  'Yeah. Mind if I keep these CDs for later listening?'

  Matt thought about that for a moment. He'd actually taken them from Rob's room, so they weren't even his own. 'Sure,' he said, while thinking, I'll have to make up some sort of excuse later. Actually, Rob probably wouldn't mind the truth - Matt knew for one thing that if they WERE his own CDs, he'd be damn proud that they were now in the possession of a member of Green Day. Especially Billie Joe.


  It suddenly hit Matt that he was in a room with Billie Joe alone. Billie Joe, someone he'd looked up to since his pre-teens. He'd even been in a tribute Green Day -

  - now THAT was something worth mentioning.

  'Hey, you know, I used to be in Green Day..' Horror struck Matt as he realised what he'd said. 'I mean, I mean a tribute band, yeah..' His cheeks flushed.

  Billie looked at him. 'Really? Wow, that's awesome.'

  'Not really. We didn't play one gig.' Matt laughed. 'It was fun though.'

  Their conversation trailed off and Crashed The Wedding started. Matt found it quite cringeworthy to be sitting with Billie Joe listening to Busted's music. But he was being distracted more and more by the bulge forming in his pants, and he prayed that Billie would never notice.

  'Dude.' Shit, he's noticed. 'Which songs have you written?' Matt realised that Billie was reading the track list of the CD.

  'Uh, Fake and Better Than This. And She Wants To Be Me and 3am, but those first two are the main ones.' God, I sound so fucking lame. Co-written four tracks out of fifteen.

  Billie changed the track to number nine. Matt's eyes closed as he prayed that Billie would like it, and that he would still not notice that his cock was getting harder.

  They sat in silence as the song played, and Billie started to nod his head in time with the music as Matt tried to move one hand so it sort of covered his crotch.

  'Wow, it's awesome man,' Billie commented as Charlie's bridge - don't wanna be a fake, it's quite uncanny - came on.



  Matt nearly died, his face turning red. 'God, fuck.'

  'Matt, are you OK?'

  What was he supposed to say? 'Yeah, but you're turning me on so much, so can you do something about it right about now?'? Maybe not. 'I'm.. uh, sorry.'

  'Look, just..' Billie reached over and took Matt's hand. 'Do you want me to help you?'

  Matt's eyes widened, and he stared into Billie's, noticing lust sparkling inside them. 'You.. you.. but.. oh my God.'

  Billie tightened his grip, a smile playing across his lips. 'Do you?'

  'Yes,' Matt managed to croak.

  'Tut tut, that's not good manners now, is it?'

  'Uhh.. please.'

  'That's more like it.' Billie grinned, and moved over so that he was kneeling in front of Matt. He reached up to undo the button of Matt's trousers, and Matt flinched slightly, sensing how close he was to Billie, and he moaned softly. 'Up,' Billie ordered, and Matt bucked his hips so that his trousers followed by boxers could be removed. 'Impressive.'

  Matt blushed. 'Well..'

  'Shh.' Billie leaned over and kissed his lips, his tongue begging for permission to enter Matt's mouth. Their tongues fought for domination, before Billie pulled away, alarm taking over the expression on his face.

  'Wait there.' He started to get up.


  'Good things come to those who wait. Now let me lock the friggin door.'

  'Oh. Good point. And a key is where, exactly?'

  Billie removed a paper clip from his jeans pocket. 'I knew this would come in handy one day.' He fiddled with the lock for a moment, while Matt removed his shirt, socks and shoes, and watched Billie longingly. 'There! Now, where were we?' Billie's attention returned to Matt. Billie knelt down beside him, his eyes hungrily watching Matt's dick as he took off his own shirt, revealing his perfect body. This fulfilled its very intention of turning Matt on more, and when his hand reached out to touch the unfamiliar territory, as a soft gasp escaped Matt's lips and his eyes closed. 'Oh God..'

  'Nah, I'm Billie.' He gripped Matt's cock, which became even harder at his touch, and began to run the other hand down it.

  'Uhhh, Billie..'

  His hand slowly moved up again, and down, and up, gradually starting to go faster. Matt moaned softly, unaware that Billie's own manhood was now erect, only aware that he himself was going to cum soon if Billie kept up like this.

  Suddenly Billie's hand stopped moving, and his other loosened its grip.


  Billie said nothing. Instead, his head plunged downwards, and he licked the head tentatively, causing Matt to moan. He proceeded to take Matt's whole cock into his mouth, sucking gently as his head moved up and down.

  'Uuuhh.. faster.. please.. uughh..' Matt's breathing became erratic as it transformed into harsh pants. 'God.. fuck.. uuhhn..' He knew he was about to reach his climax, and as pleasure took over all senses, he covered his mouth to muffle his scream. He came into Billie's mouth, and  Billie swallowed it all.

  Or most of it, Matt noticed, as he opened his eyes and saw drops of cum decorating Billie's lips.

  'Want to clean some of this off?' Matt licked Billie's lips slowly, before their tongues began to fight again.

  'Thank you.. so much,' Matt said when their lips parted company. 'Of course, it would be rude not to return the favour,' he added apologetically, as his hands instinctively undid the button and zip on Billie's trousers before pulling them down. He then carefully pulled his boxers off over his hard dick.

  'W-woah,' he stuttered. 'I don't know how you could have called mine impressive.'

  Billie laughed slightly, seemingly embarrassed by the compliment. Looking him up and down, Matt realised that Billie was still wearing his shoes and socks, which he hastily removed. Now that both boys were completely naked, Billie plonked himself down on the cushion beside Matt, who rolled over to plant butterfly kisses along the line marking Billie's collarbone.

  Matt reached down to grasp Billie's stiffened dick, while kissing back up to his lips, where Billie's tongue eagerly met his own. Billie moaned into Matt's mouth quietly, causing Matt's cock to harden again. Sensing this, Billie held Matt's cock in his hand, rubbing it slowly. The two boys writhed in pleasure, still attacking each other's mouths with their tongues.

  Matt pulled away and concentrated on jerking Billie off. Up then down, then up then down.

  'Matt.. fuck..'

  At the sound of his own name escaping from Billie, his hand moved faster, up, down, up down. At the same time, he lowered his head and kissed Billie's stomach, gradually moving downwards with each kiss.

  He suddenly became self conscious - he'd never sucked a guy's dick before. Supposing he fucked it up? Oh well, who cares? said a voice from inside him. Go for it.

  With that, he took one hand away and in place of it, his mouth enclosed the shaft. Nervously, he started to move his head up and down, and Billie lifted his hips slightly, encouraging Matt to go faster.

  Suddenly, Matt stopped. He hadn't even noticed that the Busted CD had still been playing throughout this entire time. But now, it was his solo song, Better Than This.

  'Uhhhnn, don't.. stop now..' Billie groaned. 'What's the matter?'

  'Oh, nothing. Just.. remember this song, and check the credits.' Matt returned to Billie's cock, as Billie whimpered, desperately waiting for him to carry on. He moaned loudly when Matt's lips touched it again, and he prepared for his climax as Matt sucked him faster.. faster..

  'OHHH UHHN MATT!!' he yelled, shooting his load straight to the back of Matt's throat. Matt, also still as hard as ever, grabbed his own dick and furiously jerked off while Billie watched, trying not to be aroused again.

  'Fuck.. ing.. hell..' Matt began to pant, as Billie took over, and his eyes closed as he screamed in ectasy, his cum shooting out as Billie managed to interrupt some of its journey.

  When Matt opened his eyes, he couldn't help but laugh at the sight of Billie's face, spots of cum covering his face, sweat tangling his hair. 'Come here,' he whispered, licking around Billie's face, grinning to himself. When his face was clean again, the two men collapsed on top of each other.

  'Wow, that was..'

  'Fucking amazing,' Matt finished for him. He leaned in to claim Billie's lips again, and the pair lay on the cushion for several moments.

  A voice rang out outside the door. 'BILLIE FUCKING JOE! Where the hell are you?!'

  Billie grinned. 'Look, we'd better, erm..' He motioned towards their clothes which lay in a pile beside them.

  Matt nodded and they both began to dress themselves.

  'As you said earlier,' Matt began, pulling on his shirt, 'all good things come to an end eventually.'

  Billie nodded glumly. 'Unfortunately, yeah.'

  Before leaving the room, Billie unplugged the CD player and took the Busted CD out before grabbing all three from on top of the barrel.

  'So you're sure I can keep these?'

  'Yeah.. as a little.. reminder, let's say.' Matt winked.

  Billie grinned. 'Oh yeah, what was that song again?'

  'Number thirteen.'

  Billie took out the CD booklet and skipped through to the back page.


Better Than This

Written by Willis/Chambers/Power


  'You're Willis, aint ya?' Matt nodded. 'Cool, man.'

  'Fuck. We might never see each other again.'

  'We so will. Don't suppose you have a pen and paper on you?' Matt checked his trouser pockets to find a pen.

  'Give me your hand.' Billie held out his hand, and Matt scribbed his mobile phone number on it.

  'Ahh, strange number, I'm not used to them. Give here.' Billie took the pen and wrote his own cell number on Matt's hand before they kissed for the last time that night.

  They emerged from the room a few minutes later, where they were greeted by a rather irritated Mike and Tre.

  'God, we thought you'd died.'

  'Yeah,' added Mike. 'What the hell were you DOING in there - sucking each other's dicks?'

  Matt raised an eyebrow innocently. 'Now why the fook would we want to do that?'

  'Look, we'd better go, see you some time again kiddo.' Billie pulled Matt into a hug. 'I hope we don't have to wait too long for that time, eh?' he whispered in his ear.

  'I guess I'll just see you whenever then, yeah?'

  'Yup, you've got my number though so call me some time. Laters.' Billie saluted before being dragged away by his bandmates.


  Little did either boy know that a CCTV camera was set up in the props room, catching everything that happened that night after Green Day's gig.. this video has been released on the internet and is now available for free download.*


* this is not quite true. Come to think of it, either is the rest of the story, but it's nice to think about..