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An open green field, blue skies and a lost colourful flower here and there. In the distance were large oak trees which leaves were changing colour from bright green to sombre brown and red. The air was fresh and clean, the wind blew softly and you could hear the birds softly twittering.


And there he lay in the green grass on his stomach, chewing on a blade of grass while pulling some flowers out of the ground to play with. When he’d found the perfect one, with perfect rounded petals, he rolled onto his back, and started plucking the petals off one by one.  


He screwed up his face when he heard loud laughing coming closer, followed by a much more sweeter laugh, that almost sounded as if it had been sung. He pricked up his ears and let his brown eyes scan the green hill.


As in slow motion, a girl in a white summer dress danced around. She was holding a pair of sandals in her left hand as she twirled around, smiling and occasionally closing her eyes. A young boy followed her and grabbed her by her waist and pulled her down on the grass where he started tickling her before softly kissing her in the neck.


He could feel twinge of jealousy in the pit of his stomach. This gradually faded and made place for pure rage. He remembered how she’d promised him her eternal love. How she’s claimed that he was the only one for her. That no one could come between them.




He took her up the hill - the green grass was still there, as well as the large oak trees. Only this time is was cold and windy, and the leaves had fallen down from the branches. They were laughing and smiling, and kissing and hugging. For only the boy knew what would be her destiny.


They could hear the small creek down in the ravine ripple softly, and the young boy took the girl’s hand. He smiled down at her, placed his free hand on her middle and gave her one light push towards the edge of the ravine.


She fell down, down she went. Her screams deafened him for a short while and he blinked away the tears that pricked in his eyes. He then turned around, and followed the gravel path down the hill, a sweet butterfly chasing him with fluttering wings.