crypto creatures: creatures that have not been discovered or classified.....
this creature has been spoted in areas all around loveland, Ohio.  police officers watched the giant creatures jump down an embarkment and out of sight.  the man-like creature is 3-5 feet tall, he is also said to walk upright like a human and have webbed hands and feet. the head is that  of a large frog or lizard, and his skin appears to be leathery
The Loveland Frog
The strange creature was first sighted by bill bartlett  in Dover, Masachusetts on april 27, 1977.  the creature was first seen walking along a stone wall.  the creature was described to have a disproportionally large melon shaped head, with two big eyes that glowed orange. it didn't seem that he had a nose, mouth, or ears. it's neck and limbs were tall and thin. the creature seemed to be hairless, with peach textured skin. it was said to have stood about 1 meter tall.
     later that same night an independent witness(no relation to bill), john baxter spoted the creature as he was walking home, his description of the creature was almost identical to that of bill.
     but that's not all....around midnigh on april 22 the creature was spoted AGAIN by abby brabham
   eerie but true, what could this strange etity be?
The Dover Demon
the mongolian death worm was first sighted in 1926 in the southern gobi desert. people have described it as being a thick bodied worm(about 2-4 feet long). reportedly, the creature can spray an acid like substance that causes instant death, and can kill from a distance with a sort of electrical charge. numerous mongolians have reported seeing this creature. it is reported to be most active in june and july.
The Mongolian Death Worm
*****chupacabra or "goat sucker"
the first sighting of chupacabra was made in september of 1995. it is described to be a cross between a kangaroo and a "grey". it is said to be about 4ft tall, with large red eyes and lip less mouth,  scrawny  clawed arms and fangs. the predatory habits of the chupacabra tend to be towards domestic animals ex. goats, hens, dogs, rabbits. it kills by drilling a single hole in the preys body and sucking out all of the blood