Devil Sightings
Deep in the secluded woods of Pine Barrens, there lies the infamous resident...The Jersey Devil.

the legend of the jersey devil begins back in the year 1735. mrs. leeds was pregnant with her 13th child. during a fit of painful contractions mrs. leeds cursed the baby saying
"let this child be a d e v i l."  mrs. leeds then proceeded in forgetting the cure entirely and the day of her labor she was handing a bright, beautiful child.
but..... moments later the child began to mutate. the baby's face elongsided and began to resemble a bat or horse. long, dark wings sprouted from the baby's shoulderblades. his legs then began to grow long and thin, his feet began to mutate into hooves. the childs delicate fingers were then transformed in claws, the piercing blue eyes turned a cloudy yellow, and just moments after the transformation, mrs. leeds watched in horror as her baby flew off into the night.

  this is the most well known version of the jersey devil story, but there are many differnt variations