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First I wanted to say that my prayers and thoughts are with the families and victims of Sept 11.
No matter what we do, we will never erase the pictures in our mind of that tragic day.
Part of being a homemaker, is welcoming your family and friends and creating a "homey" feel, remember that we dont have that many tomorrows, so make the best of today!
Pull up a chair and join me in a cup of tea. :o)

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Soon the snow will be falling, and we will have alot more time to spend together.
Please feel free to e-mail me any links or ideas that you might have...
With all the recent events in the United States, esp the September 11th tradgy it makes us think. Makes me think alot. What is important? What REALLY matters?
Does it matter if we have been successful at a career? Will anyone remember that about us when we are gone?
Seems to me that September 11th was a wake up call.
God was talking to all of us, letting us know how precious life is, and the time that we have here on this earth is limited.
Dont wait until tomorrow to play with your child, or to take that walk in the park. We dont know how many tomorrows we have.
Dont wait until tomorrow to find a church to take our family to, you might not have the time.
Dont wait to tell the people that you love how you feel, you might never get the chance.
I believe that out of all the rubble in NYC we can find good... the people that changed their lives because of this. The people that have choosent to be active in their lives, and the people that choose to seek God in the midst of all this. How did this touch you? What changes have you made?
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