May 29, 2006....Things starting to get back to normal.....

So, my folks left early Saturday morning and made it home safely. I think they had a good trip and we had a fun time having them here. It was a busy two weeks and K is still trying to get caught up on her sleep. L didn't make it home Friday as planned and we are still waiting for him to return. We are keeping our fingers crossed for Wed/Thurs as that is what the rumour is now.

I have to clean the house up so that is looks semi tidy for him when he returns. Things will be busy as we only have a few weeks til our move. Things will move fast I am sure of it. K is having her 3rd birthday party Saturday and she is so excited. We had a mini party with my parents but her official BIG DAY is Saturday. The kids from next door are coming and so I have to get on the ball and plan some stuff.

I am currently writing a proposal to MFRC about running a new program for military wives. We seem to really have gotten away from the big picture and we need to come back together. I will keep you posted on how it goes as I work on it. I will hopefully be able to see something implemented at the new base. I will leave a copy of the proposal with the ladies here though. I really should find someone at each base to help run this thing in their area. I guess we will have to see what happens.

Mood: T.V: nothing Reading: nothing right now Project: Siggies

9:02am ::

May 24, 2006....Things here are NUTS.....

OMG I can't believe it's been two weeks since I last posted. My parents have been here and we are having a pretty good time. It's been busy with LOTS of running around. Today they are off on an adventure and K and I are home cleaning as L is supposed to be back on Friday. WOO HOO......6 months is finally up. We made it!!! I am sooooo proud her and I did it on our own this time.

We are having a little birthday party for K on Friday so Mom and Dad can celebrate it with us. L will be home around dinner time so we'll do it later in the evening. Next week the fun really starts as the moving plans will really get underway.

Besides that I am totally burned out and need a vacation. I can't wait to start our trek across the country. What fun we will have. I want to go out and buy a game boy for me to keep busy. LOL guess I'll have to wait and see what L says. Talk to you all soon. Have a great rest of the week.

Mood: T.V: nothing Reading: nothing right now Project: Siggies

9:02am ::

May 10, 2006....I'm doing better.....

I just really needed some time away. I won't be around much as I have company coming Sunday for two weeks and then L is back and the moving process begins. Have a great couple of weeks everyone. I will be around but scarce. Tomorrow I have to start cleaning the house. YAY fun....LOL.

Mood: T.V: CSI Miami Reading: nothing right now Project: Siggies

12:35am ::

May 3, 2006....Sometimes I scream out your name.....

So, I really just need some time away. I have some issues I really need to deal with myself on my level. I am not sure how or where to begin that journey but I need to do it if I am going to keep moving forward in this life. I have some unresolved issues with people in my past and I need to let go and move on. I just can't seem to do that and I can't explain why. I could start speculating but I don't want to do that, I will just make myself all upset. I don't know if dh knows any of this or any of my friends know this, but that's not the point. I need to do this for me or do my own thing, truly in the end. One of these days I'm gonna love me. One of these days you're gonna love me.

"And it only hurts when I'm breathing
My heart only breaks when it's beating
My dreams only die when I'm dreaming
So, I hold my breath--to forget" -- Shania Twain

I just have thing to say that is so profound it is unreal.....and I think Tim McGraw says it best when he says "And I loved deeper
And I spoke sweeter
And I gave forgiveness I'd been denyin'"

Mood: T.V: American Idol Reading: nothing right now Project: Siggies

9:40pm ::

May 2, 2006....Company, company and more company.....

So, I can hardly believe it is May already. Time is tick, tick, ticking until our move. Dh still has to take his DIT/HHT to find us a new house. So many people we know are doing the "posting shuffle" it is unreal. The nice thing is dh and I will have some friends posted in the same province with us, and totally within visiting distance, so it should be fun. I know the guys are already talking about getting together. I have had a little lead on a job but am still waiting to hear back from someone about it. This job would be at our new base and would be in the childcare field which is perfect for me. YAY!!!! If I don't hear back from her in the next day or two I will call and see if I can get some of the paper work and clearances done before we get there. One less thing to have to worrry about. I already have some of the checks and clearances done so I hope I don't have to jump through those "hoops" again. I have to get my ducks in a row and get some references together too. I have already spoken to a few people who are willing to vouche for me. LOL

I have been lucky in that I have talked to dh the last three nights in a row. WOO HOO. I never get to have that much time with him. Ugh, we were talking about all the time he will be home at the new base. We're looking at maybe over a year straight. Gosh, he is never home that long. I tried to talk him into going on the next tour overseas, just 3 short weeks after we arrive at our new home, but he just won't fall for it. I know it is really what he wants but he doesn't want to just leave us that soon again. We really don't know how long it will be before he gets the chance to go again and we keep our fingers crossed it isn't over Christmas, though there is always that possibility.

My MIL is supposed to come tomorrow but I have not heard from her yet. She never leaves it this late and I hope nothing is wrong. We are keeping our fingers crossed she is still coming. This is the time of year company is starting to descend on my house and I am really looking forward to it.

One of my best friends and I were talking about what we would do if something happened to our dhs while they were on tour. Every military wife does it, it is our way of having some sort of control over something. I even have some idea of who the pall bearers will be and were the ceremonies will be held. So, goodness forbid anything happen to both of them let alone one of them, it looks like her, I and the kiddies will be relocating to the east coast. A nice house with lots of room for the kids and animals. A peaceful spot for us to just be us. Dh thought this was morbid and gave me a hard time about it(playfully though). Now that I have talked about some of the stuff I really do feel a slight bit better about it. It's a real part of our daily life and we need to have a plan in place. It is just that simple.

I am working on siggies like crazy but am too tired to do anymore tonight. I think I have a few more ideas floating around in my head that I really want to create but they will have to wait for another day. Dd and I have some boxes in the basement to take back to recycling and I want to run the vaccum over the living room and stairs quickly but that is all the errands I have to do for tomorrow. I have to think about dinner earlier as I just leave it too late these days and am scrambling at dinner time. Hmmmmm...what to have?? Guess I'll have to sleep on it. Night all, have a great tomorrow.

Mood: T.V: CSI Miami Reading: nothing right now Project: Siggies

12:45am ::