Anime Quotes
Kagome: I'm telling you, I'm not her!
Inuyasha: And I'm saying you have to be! 'Cuz there's no other way you could smell so...
[sniffs in her direction]
Inuyasha: You're not her.
Kagome: I know! My name is Kagome! Ka-Go-Me!
Inuyasha: You're right. Kikyo was cuter. Much cuter.


Inuyasha: Hey, where are you going?
Kagome: What do you care? I'm going home. Goodbye, Inuyasha
Inuyasha: You can't just leave! You...
Kagome: My name isn't "You". It's Kagome.
Inuyasha: Wait, Stupid!
Kagome: It's not "Stupid", either.
Inuyasha: Will you just wait, and hear me out?
Kagome: Why? So you can try and stop me?
Inuyasha: No, so you can give me your jewel shard.
Kagome: [feigning innocence] Oh, this?
[holds up her pouch that holds the shard, then looks at him angrily]
Kagome: Sit, Boy!
[Inuyasha is slammed face first to the ground]
Inuyasha: Why, you....!
Kagome: [walking away] It's Kagome.


Yura: Of course, her hair isn't nearly as pretty as yours, but, waste not, want not.
Kagome: [With a bow and arrow ready to fire] Not as pretty as his, huh?! What would you know about it? You live in a time where they don't even have SHAMPOO!
[Accidentally releases the arrow, her aim off, and Inuyasha has to duck to keep from getting hit.]
Inuyasha: Will you WATCH where you're aiming that thing?!


Kagome: You stinking toad!
Jaken: You stinking human!
Kagome: Oh yeah? Well, this human's gonna kick your -
Jaken: We'll see about that!


: Now, was that aimed at me?


(Nobunaga's in love with the oblivious Princess.)
Princess Tsuyu: Nobunaga?
Nobunaga: Yes, Princess?  I'm listening...
Princess Tsuyu: There's a monkey on your head.
Nobunaga: (crying) yes, Princess.
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Miroku:  InuYasha, once you've become a full-fledged demon, who's to say you won't devour Shippou and Kagome?
Shippou:  Why me?  Wouldn't you be tastier?
Miroku: I will have fled long before.
Shippou:  You wanna come? 
InuYasha:  Huh?!
Shippou:  Wait, come to think of it, how come you and Kagome spend so much time together, but never seem to bathe at the same time?
InuYasha: Uh!
Shippou: Think of all the fun things you can do when there's two of you.
InuYasha:  Listen, Kid!
Shippou:  Mom, Dad, and I always took baths together, and we had a reallygreat time!
InuYasha:  Remind me to explain it to you when you're a bit bigger.
Shippou:  I guess that means you haven't gotten very far with Kagome yet, right?
InuYasha:  AH!
Shippou:  I don't know what that means, but no one seems to wanna answer.  I wonder why...
InuYasha: I'll tell you why!  In about 50 years or so, when you're old enough to understand it!
Shippou:  Just asked a question!  What'd I say!?