setstats1My 6 inch Reflector

This page was last updated 05/28/2004.

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The mirror end of the scope with bottom cover removed.

This is the open end of the Scope's.  You can see the spider and focuser.

The inside of the tube is lined with medium grit sandpaper spray painted ultra flat black.

The tube is 33-3/8 inches long and 7-7/8 inches in diameter.  The tube was made from two concrete column forms, one inside the other.  These concrete column forms are sometimes referred as Sonotubes.  These tubes can be foun at your local home improvement store.

I made the telescope tube by cutting a strip lengthwise out of the larger diameter Sonotube.  I just slid that Sonotube inside the smaller diameter Sonotube.  I then use dry wall tape to dress up the ends and the crack cause by cutting the Sonotube.

Here is the Ray Diagram from Newton25
Newton25 is a free program and it is excellent for designing a Newtonian telescope. 

Click here for a print out from Newton25 which contains more detail information on the telescope.

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The mirror end of the scope with bottom cover attached.