
Though most younger vampires consider the tradition of Elysium a stuffy, outdated custom, it is one of the more honored of the Kindred's traditions. A prince may declare portions of domain to be Elysium, places free from violence. It is here that many vampires come to pass the nights, debating, politicking and conducting intrigues among themselves for long hours. This is also where the Kindred business of the city takes place(for our sake it's the Academy campus instead of city), and just about every vampire will have at least one occasion to visit Elysium, if only to speak with the prince or an elder. However, it is certainly an elders' playground, and the young who venture here are expected to remember that.

Elysium is said to be under the "Pax Vampirica," meaning that no violence of any sort is permitted to take place and that Elysium is neutral ground. While tempers may flare and heated words may be exchanged, rivals are expected to keep a leash on their tempers. When apologies don't work, the offenders are usually shown the door and told to correct their behavior. If things do get out of control on the premises, the prince may punish the offenders through the invocation of the First Tradition.

Click on an area to see a complete description

Most areas of Elysium tend to be spots conducive to artistic or intellectual pursuits, such as opera houses, theaters, museums, galleries, university halls and the like. Occasionally, nightclubs or even certain Kindred havens are declared Elysium. Wherever one goes, one is expected to have some semblance of proper dress and manners, if for no reason other than the Masquerade.

Elysium rules are simple:
1) No violence is permitted on the premises. (No weapons will be brought into Elysium, to prevent hot tempers from having ready means.)
2) No art is to be destroyed on pain of Final Death. ("Art" has been expanded to include the artist on occasion, making the vampires of Clan Toreador some of the greatest proponents of Elysium.)
3) Elysium is neutral ground. (With relation to Rule One; what happens off Elysium grounds is another thing, however, and the upstart neonate who insults an elder during Elysium had best have reliable transportation back to her haven when she leaves.)
4) Remember the Masquerade at all times. (This includes such matters as entering and leaving, taking a heated argument outside to cool, or hunting.)

It is also considered bad manners to show up to Elysium hungry. While refreshments are sometimes provided, often they are not, and hunting around Elysium grounds can draw suspicion. If Kindred brings a guest to Elysium, she is responsible for that guest's behavior.

Elysium at the Academy is the Commons, Hall of History, Auditorium and Gymnasium. Proper conduct is expected in this are AT ALL TIMES!


The Commons

The hub of the Academy where all business is conducted. The Commons houses Administration offices, meeting rooms, and the Kindred Academy Writing Wall.

The Commons is the first building you see when entering from the main gate. As you enter the building, you find yourself in a large comfortable foyer that looks more like a parlour. This is where every one generally congregates early in the evening to discuss happenings throughout the Academy. Commons foyer Commons foyerCommons foyer

Sofa in the foyer of the Commons Anje's chair

Commons hallway Anjeanique's Office across from the Writing Wall

Straight ahead you see a large hallway. As you start down the hall, you see on the left wall a large chalk board that we call the Kindred Academy Writing Wall. Feel free to use this Writing Wall for both IC (in character) and OOC (out of character) postings They can be direct messages to someone, ideas, suggestions, comments or roleplay scenes.

On your right is a door to Anje's office labeled "Anjeanique - Dean." Beyond Anje's office door and the Writing Wall, the hallway T's. Straight ahead you see a set of large double doors leading into an executive meeting room with a large oak table and leather highback chairs. Down the hall to the right are more offices with stairs at the end. Down the hall to the left are smaller meeting rooms with stairs at the end of the hall.

Just beyond the Commons you'll find a dormitory (or safe house) for housing future students of the Academy.

Dorms in Elysium

~Hall of History~

Hall of History Hall of History

The Hall of History is a very old and ornate building with great historical signifigance in this area. You enter the Grand Hallway seeing an elaborate decor, velvet draperies, ornate mantels, glass cabinets holding trinkets and artifacts of historical importance to many Kindred as well as large portraits of our ancestors.

Beyond the Grand Hallway are classrooms scattered throughout the building for the teaching of Kindred history and lore.

Hall of History ceiling



Basketball and raquetball courts, wrestling arenas with floor mats to be used for strictly physical sparring. Not for death matches and no Disciplines to be used.

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