Sample Concepts

* Criminal - jailbird, Mafioso, drug dealer, pimp, carjacker, thug, thief, fence

* Drifter - bum, smuggler, prostitute, junkie, pilgrim, biker, gambler

* Entertainer - musician, film star, artist, club kid, model

* Intellectual - writer, student, scientist, philosopher, social critic

* Investigator - detective, beat cop, government agent, private eye, witch-hunter

* Kid - child, runaway, outcast, urchin, gangbanger

* Nightlifer - clubgoer, skinhead, punk, barfly, raver, substance abuser

* Outsider - urban primitive, refugee, minority, conspiracy theorist

* Politician - judge, public official, councilor, aide, speechwriter

* Professional - engineer, doctor, computer programmer, lawyer, industrialist

* Reporter - journalist, news reporter, paparazzo, talk-show host, 'zine editor

* Socialite - dilettante, host, playboy, sycophant, prominent spouse

* Soldier - bodyguard, enforcer, mercanary, soldier of fortune, Green Beret

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