To The Z Car Webring

Now 121 Sites And Growing

Click Here For This Month's Featured Site

The Z Car WebRing is a collection of sites that all relate to The 1970 to 1996 Datsun/Nissan Z Cars.

The Z Cars WebRing is designed to produce more exposure for the Datsun Z Car, related sites and make it easier to find other Z Car sites on the web.

Banner exchange services can't touch the amount of exposure the ring gives. With the Web ring it is possible to recieve more hits than you put in. One factor that helps produce more hits is that all of the pages represent similar interests. With a banner exchange you could be advertising your site on unrelated sites. With the Z Cars Web Ring you're always linked to other Z Car Pages.

Read this entire page before submiting your site.
It contains All of the information you need to Join.


The Two Biggest reasons We won't admit a site to the ring:
1) No html code. (Rule here is No Code No Admition).
2) Not Relivant material. (Rule Here is we Don't Sell Porcilin Dolls).

How is Your site doing?

Before You submit a site, make sure it fits the following criteria:

1). It does not contain nudity, profanity, or is offensive.
2.) Have a Z Car Related Site. (Has Z Car Information or links on it).
3.) Have you site on the World Wide Web.
4.) Sign UP (Click Here to Sign UP)
5.) Have your site include the required HTML code, on the first page. See Below. It is the right and fair thing to do. It allows our visitors easy access to the next sites, or the previous Sites. Face it, how would YOU like to get a dead end at the first site?

Make sure you insert your Site ID Number in the code!

When you join, your site is added to the queue. (If your site does not have the code on the page you specified, it will be deleted from the Que) Only After we confirm that the proper code is on your page will your site be admited.

The only other thing you have to do is add this form to your page: (copy the code from HERE).Not from Our source.

A Note on our Code
Click here to see what the HTML code should look like. Cut and Paste the code into your page. Remember to change the ___my_site_id___ to the site number that is assigned to you in the e-mail you will receive after submitting the form. There are about 5 places that Require editing.

That means Your Code Should look Like This:


The Correct Coding is:

Not this:

Or This:

Got it??

If your code is not correct or missing See NEWS above..

The Logo
While we would like to see everyone in the webring use "The Official Z Car Webring logo" If you have a favorite picture of YOUR Z (a Gif file, or JPG file) that you prefer to use inplace of the Webring logo, it is ok to use it (as long as it fits in the area alowed for the logo). What other webring would let you do that?

Using A Webring
Click on "Next" to go to the next site in the ring. Click on "Prev" to go to the previous site in the ring. Click on "Random" to go to a random site on the ring. Click on "Skip Next" to go to the site after the next one on the ring. Click on "Skip Prev" to go to the site before the previous one on the ring. Click on "Next 5" to get a list of the next 5 sites on the ring. Click on "List Sites"to get a list of the sites on the ring. The logo in the center will bring you back here.

List The Sites in the Ring
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Add your site to this Ring

We Joined These Webrings For You to use!
So, use them and enjoy them.

Vector The NISSAN 300ZX WebRing Vector

Creator of the WebRing is and, his page is POP'S Page.

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