Where found: Draw from Fujin during during battle with her and Raijin on disk 2.

Element: Wind

Summon: Tornado Zone - A tornado sweeps the enemies into Pandemona's mouth.

Abilities Statistics
Ability AP Needed Leads to Level HP Atk Power
Str-J learned nothing 19 1442 1052
Spd-J 120 Spd+20% 20 1506 1092
Elem-Atk-J learned nothing 30 2146 1466
Elem-Def-J learned nothing 40 2794 1840
Elem-Def-Jx2 130 nothing 50 3450 2213
Magic learned nothing 60 4114 2587
GF learned nothing 70 4786 2961
Draw learned nothing 80 5466 3335
Item learned nothing 90 6154 3708
Absorb 80 nothing 100 6850 4082
Str+20% 60 Str+40%
Str+40% 120 nothing
Spd+20% 150 Spd+40%
Spd+40% 200 nothing
Initiative 160 nothing
SumMag+10% 40 SumMag+20%
SumMag+20% 70 SumMag+30%
SumMag+30% 140 nothing
GFHP+10% 40 GFHP+20%
GFHP+20% 70 GFHP+30%
GFHP+30% 140 nothing
Boost 10 nothing


Where found: Defeat Cerberus in the main hall of Galbadia Garden during the raid.

Element: none

Summon: Counter Rockets - Casts Double and Triple on all allies.

Abilities Statistics
Ability AP Needed Leads to Level HP
Str-J learned nothing 23 1490
Mag-J 50 ST-Atk-J 30 1876
Spr-J 50 ST-Def-J 40 2434
Spd-J 120 Spd+20% 50 3000
Hit-J learned nothing 60 3574
ST-Atk-J 160 nothing 70 4156
ST-Def-J 100 ST-Def-Jx2 80 4746
ST-Def-Jx2 130 ST-Def-Jx4 90 5344
ST-Def-Jx4 180 nothing 100 5950
Abilityx3 learned nothing
Magic learned nothing
GF learned nothing
Draw learned nothing
Item learned nothing
Spd+20% 150 Spd+40%
Spd+40% 200 Auto-Haste
Auto-Haste 250 nothing
Expendx2-1 250 nothing
Alert 200 nothing
GFHP+10% 40 GFHP+20%
GFHP+20% 70 GFHP+30%
GFHP+30% 140 nothing


Where found: Draw from Edea when facing her inside Galbadia Garden on disk 2.

Element: Holy

Summon: Holy Judgment - Holy missiles rain down from the skies onto the enemy.

Abilities Statistics
Ability AP Needed Leads to Level HP Atk Power
Spr-J learned nothing 25 1925 1350
Elem-Atk-J 160 nothing 30 2266 1542
Elem-Defx2 learned nothing 40 2954 1920
Elem-Defx4 180 nothing 50 3650 2298
Abilityx3 learned nothing 60 4354 2676
Magic learned nothing 70 5066 3054
GF learned nothing 80 5786 3432
Draw learned nothing 90 6514 3810
Item learned nothing 100 7250 4188
Revive 200 nothing
Spr+20% 60 Spr+40%
Spr+40% 120 nothing
Med Data 200 Med LV Up
SumMag+10% 40 SumMag+20%
SumMag+20% 70 SumMag+30%
SumMag+30% 140 nothing
GFHP+10% 40 GFHP+20%
GFHP+20% 70 GFHP+30%
GFHP+30% 140 nothing
Boost 10 nothing
High Mag-RF 60 nothing
Med LV Up 120 nothing


Where found: First get the Solomon Ring at the center of Tear's Point in Esthar.  Then get six Malboro Tentacles, six Steel Pipes, and six Remedy +'s.  To get the malboro tentacles, steal some from some Malboros (duh!) on the Island Closest to Heaven or Hell.  Steel Pipes can me refined from cards, and you'll need Alexander's Med LV Up ability to get Remedy +'s.  Once you have all of these, use the Solomon Ring to get Doomtrain.

Element: Poison

Summon: Runaway Train - Self-explanatory I think :), plus attempts to cause many side effects like Poison, Dark, Silence, Doom, Confuse, and (most importantly) Vit 0.

Abilities Statistics
Ability AP Needed Leads to Level HP Atk Power
Elem-Atk-J learned nothing 28 2521 1931
ST-Atk-J learned nothing 30 2686 2028
Elem-Defx4 180 nothing 40 3514 2509
ST-Defx4 180 nothing 50 4350 2990
Magic learned nothing 60 5194 3471
GF learned nothing 70 6046 3953
Draw learned nothing 80 6906 4434
Item learned nothing 90 7774 4915
Darkside 100 nothing 100 8650 5396
Absorb 80 nothing
Auto-Shell 250 nothing
SumMag+10% 40 SumMag+20%
SumMag+20% 70 SumMag+30%
SumMag+30% 140 SumMag+40%
SumMag+40% 200 nothing
GFHP+10% 40 GFHP+20%
GFHP+20% 70 GFHP+30%
GFHP+30% 140 GFHP+40%
GFHP+40% 200 nothing
Boost 10 nothing
Junk Shop learned nothing
Forbid Med-RF 200 nothing