Fun -- Princess Kakyuu
...Senshi Hanto...

Since MBN is not fully up, all the images have not been put up. However, you may still look for them.

This is our Soldier Hunt. That's what Senshi Hanto means. Below are images of many characters from Sailormoon. They have disappeared within MBN. Your job is to go searching for them. To do this, you must visit the pages within MBN. When you have found a character, place your cursor over the image, copy down the number along with the character's name, and then click the image to return if if you wish. When you have found as many as you can, add up your total by the points each character has, using the list below. Then send an e-mail with the characters name, their number, and your complete total. The most points you can recieve is 615. If you can find all the characters, you will recieve and award. The top five participants and anyone who has found all the images will be placed on this page. You are always welcome to come back and change your score if you have found more. Good luck and Enjoy!

Here is the list:

Sailor Moon
5 points

Sailor Mercury
5 points

Sailor Mars
5 points

Sailor Jupiter
5 points

Sailor Venus
5 points

Sailor Saturn
10 points

Sailor Uranus
10 points

Sailor Neptune
10 points

Sailor Pluto
10 points

Sailor Chibi Moon
10 points

Tuxedo Mask
10 points

20 points

20 points

Queen Serenity
10 points

Princess Serenity
20 points

Professor Tomoe
30 points

Black Lady
30 points

Mistress 9
30 points

30 points

A Snow Dancer
30 points

30 points

Prince Demando
30 points

Neo-Queen Serenity
30 points

30 points

30 points

40 points

40 points

40 points

Silver Crystal
40 points

Here are the top five participants:
Name: Points: Date:






Here are the people who
have found them all:
Name: Points: Date:
None yet

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