Mindy's little corner on the web
  Hey.. whad up Its me mindy.. This is my lil coner on the web.. and as you all know.. my other site is crappy so don't go to that one.. only this one!
First I want to tell you more about me I have two differnt sides My first one is my being sweet I am a very sweet girl I loveteddybears.. and other things.
My secound peronality is spunky.. I have been a very naughty girl.. My life is all about partys.. and guyz... so watch out you sexy guys.. cuz here i cum!
              My hobbies.. are typeing, eating, watching tv, swimming, horse back riding, laying on my back, putting my legs up in the air, dancing, singing, music, smokin, bein me, chillen, guyz, flirting, kissing, hangn out, black guyz, loven life, playing with my cats and dogs, fighting, talking, phone, and umm ect...
       I a real Spunky girl.. I love partys.. and being naughty.. I am one of the best dancers at my stuped school.. I love dancein to fast songs like, chingy, 50 cent, eastside boys, and ect.. I have won over twenty botty danceing contest.. Me and my friend Julie (silver_shadow_katt) botty dance together all the time!
       I am also a very sweet gurl.. I love teddybears.. and things that are soft and warm.. I love stuffed animals.. i collect them I have over 100 of them.. Also.. I'd be good if i could.. but i can't so I won't.. But I do have the sweet side., all gurls should.. becuase Every girl has a soft side.. expextily me.. whenever it comes to love!
       I love animals.. animals make the world go around.. I am an animal freak.. I love them! what can I say... I have horses, cats, and dogs... I love them with all my hart.. I also saved two of my dogs.. and I also saved three of my cats.. any ways.. Happyness is from saving an animal.. think about it.. many animals each day that are on the cold road.. and in the woods... with no owner or loved ones.. die from many causes..Unseen they suffer, unheard they cry, in agony they linger, and in loneliness they die.. Soo if you save an animal you will feel alot better inside! Think about it would you save a poor inocent baby kitten that were in the stickerbushes.. Would you rist getting stuck.. to save the kitten with no mother to take care of it.. or get eatin by a snake? or die of hunger? I would save him/her.. think she/he has a soul and feelings to.. just like you and me! And you must be cold harted not to love animals!
  I*m 13 years old.. and I am a female from florida.. And my birthday is november the 5th.. And Umm.. I had a so so birthday party.. anyway I*m like can't wait till i get a car.. then I can go a cruisen.. in my brand new pontiac firebird!
          A long time ago whenever I lived in P.A.. I had this crush on this really hott black guy.. his name was josh.. He was friends with my brother... and I didn't know wether  or not he thought i was hott... or nott.. anywayz whenever I was little.. I used to run into my bedroom and lock myself in there... until he left.. Anywayz.. one day my mom wanted me to go out with him.. so she got us to go out with one another.. aventullay we fell in love.. of yeah and this one time.. I deared him to run around the backyard nude.. and scream teny weeny.. and he did! running around screaming teny weeny.. And it was sooo funny.. anyways two years into our relashoin ship.. we started talking about marrige.. and kids, and he said "Whenever you are ready, I*m ready." But it never happened.. and I had to move to Florida.. with my family.. we whent out for a while.. broke up becuase he didn't agree with long distence love.. and then we whent back out.. and then we had to break up again.. becuase his mom had to screw it over for us.. now I hardly ever talk to him anymore.. and it was very hard on me.. becuase I cryed for two months. I really loved this guy.. Anyway today.. I am single.. I need someone to love and to take good care of me and my needs.. becuase I want to be loved again.. like a girl should.. be loved.. and I don't want any players.. anyway its better to have losted a love.. than to have never  loved at all..