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I hope you all enjoy this site . It has  poems and some words of wisdom
Scottish poems
More Scottish stuff
My sister and I went to the  beach in Florida. We gathered lots of shells and had lots of fun...Friends as well as sisters.
        I love you Bridget
visit my doll page
The best thing to give your enemy is forgiveness,
To an opponent, Tolerance, To a friend your heart
To a child, a good example
To a father, deference
To a mother,conduct that will make her proud of you
to yourself respect, To all men charity
God must love ordinary
people best, because he
made so many of us
The six most important words........I admit I made a mistake
The five most important words.......You did a good job.
The four most important words......What is your opinion?
The three most important words.....If you please.
The two most important words........Thank you
The Least important word...............I
Take time to think........................Thoughts are the source of power
Take time to play..........................Play is the secret of perpetual youth.
Take time to read..........................Reading is the foundation of wisdom
Take time to pray..........................Prayer can be a rock of strength
Take time to love..........................Loving makes living worthwhile
Take time to be friendly.................Friendships give life a delicious flavor
Take time to Laugh.......................Laughter is the music of the soul.
Take time to give..........................Any day of the year is to short for selfishness.
Take time to do your work well......Pride in your work nourishes the spirit.
Take time to show appreciation......Thanks is the frosting on the cake of life
Don't think I'm complaining,But each tell-tale sign suggests
My deck it is a haven for some uninvited guests.
There's the energetic squirrel, see him scrape for this and that,
By his very speed of movement , He infuriates a cat.
There are blue-Jays there are tit-mice there are finches by the score,
All seeking seeds of comfort in each picking pecking chore.
Considering the pleasures these intruders bring to me,
I really have no option but to let them live rent free.

When a marriage matures, You can tolerate the differance in each other.
If she's social and he's a couch potato then it's ok for her to go out socially and for him to be home watching the ballgame. Each one is happy that the other is having a good time, and neither one resents the other.
                                     That's Generous love.

Selfish love is when she drags him out or he keeps her home.
But that's not really love that's control.
It takes generous love to survive the large and of a long relationship
It takes generous love to keep listening to each other and to learn from each other.