Haha! random blue haired girl!! =^_^=
Sukkari~ Mezurashii
~About Me~
~My Art~
~Others Art~
~My Blog~
~ My Oekaki Board~
~Random Stuff~
My DA Account
Want to tell me somethin' w/o e-mailing me? Go there ---->
UpDates!! 3-25-03
Spring Break has allowed me the time to Update! A task so huge, I needed a good day to do it! So here's what I did:
1: Added at least 20 pics to My Art section.
2: Reduced to one oekaki board...(my other one got deleted due to inactivity)
3: Refreshed my links section
4:Cleaned out my Blog. Startin' fresh !
5:Cleaned out Random Stuff!!
From now on, I'll attempt to stay fairly updated...someone yell at me if I don't kay?