Arahura Country Lodge
Arahura Country Lodge is nestled in the Wairapia, just out of Masterton. Mum and Dad run this 20 bed lodge, catering for small groups , conference's and farm demonstrations.
On the property they run a few head of cattle and sheep, they also have a small herd of Red Deer.
After a beautiful drive through the country, you drive up to the lodge.
Deer fences and paddocks full of Sheep, Catle and deer let you know that your've arrived.
With a long drive like this, if Mum isn't at the door to greet you it means she'll be feeding her pets somewhere on the farm.
Top of the drive and here's the house
Looking down the drive from the Accomadation block.
The Main Hall, Mum manages to feed everyone from here.
Spring has arrived with the years first lamb
Always work to be done !! sometimes the cow's don't want to move.