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The Jakarta Post

The Jakarta Post, 12/17/2004 11:40:26 AM

Australia defends its warnings of terrorist attack in Indonesia

SYDNEY (AFP): Foreign Minister Alexander Downer defended on Friday his decision to issue a warning about a terrorist threat in Indonesia, as many Australians shrugged off his advice and went ahead with plans to spend Christmas in Indonesian resorts.

In its latest terror alert, released late Wednesday, the Department of Foreign Affairs said it had credible intelligence of a potential terror attack in Indonesia, possibly targeting the Hilton Hotel.

Indonesia played down the threat and the Jakarta Hilton reportedly decided against passing on the warning to its guests, "to avoid panic".

Downer, in Vanuatu for talks with its new government, said it would be a national scandal if the government had information about a potential terror attack and decided not to pass it on to the Australian people.

He also rejected claims that Australia did not adequately pass on the warning to top Indonesian officials, but said it was still up to Australians in Indonesia to decide what to do and not up to the hotel to clear out guests.

"People in the hotel and people in Jakarta should generally be aware of the threats," Downer told ABC Radio from Port Vila.

"They have to make up their own minds about what action they will take on the basis of the information that we have passed on. The Australian government owes it to the Australian people to pass on this information when we have got it.

"If we had this information and we decided that we wouldn't pass it on, that would be a matter of a national scandal."

Japan, Britain, the United States and New Zealand also issued their own warnings but did not mention specific targets.

Attorney-General Philip Ruddock repeated the warnings on Friday, saying Australians would be foolish to travel to Indonesia, including Bali, after the government received credible information terrorists were ready to carry out an attack.

However, many Australians were meantime continuing to pack their bags and head to Indonesia for the annual Christmas holidays regardless.

Qantas offered a full refund to people with bookings for Indonesia, but said only a handful of customers had taken up the offer and flights would operate as usual during the busy Christmas and new year period. (**)

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