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Workers of all countries, unite!
Workers of all countries and oppressed peoples, unite!

Proletarian Review 12

Information in English of "Proletarische Rundschau"
Published by KOMAK-ML, Communist Action – Marxist-Leninist (Austria)

Front page: "A question of perspective:
The world is turning to the left!"

No. 12, September 2003 (132 apc)

Dear readers,

Waiting was worth while, you can relax. Here it is: The “Proletarian Review” just in time for the end of summer! When you have to spend your days inside your homes and on the telly they are showing boring stuff you have something for passing the time – a new “Proletarian Review” is not only nice from the outside but also thrilling and instructive.
Quite a lot of things have happened in recent months. Nobody had thought it possible but it really happened: The workers in Austria went on strike. More than 1 million people went on strike to demonstrate against the total social deforestation by the right/rightist FPÖVP government (formed by socalled Freedom and People’s Parties). Therefore we bring some articles related to this topic. Both reports on activities from our correspondents in the federal provinces (pp.5-6) and an assessment of the role of the Austrian Federation of Trade Unions (ÖGB).
We have occupied ourselves in detail with the Democratic Republic of Congo. There is a red thread running through the history of this country, spun by racist European colonists, extended further by the greed for profit of imperialists, soaked in the blood of millions of Congolese people. (p.8ff.)
The killing of Cheibani W. (a black immigrant in Vienna) hit us in the middle of our faces. After his death and also after the mass scuffle in Traiskirchen (camp for asylum-seekers) the comments of the bourgeois politicians made us puke and again showed us the racist fundamental consensus in Austria. We bring an interview about asylum and state terror on page 17.
Again and again we have written about the “Communist” Party of Austria (“K”PÖ) that has for a long time been no longer a revolutionary party. But what about the other errors and aberrations in the “leftist” microcosmos, from its left (punk-rockers, Anarchists) to its right ends (“Anti”-Nationals) who long ago gave up any progressive aspects. We are planning a loose series on those and start it in this issue with views and comments on Trotskyism (pp. 21ff).
In the end something for your temper: a not totally serious self-assessment of the systematic activities of KOMAK-ML in factories and workplaces (p.35).

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Contents of Proletarian Review No. 12, September 2003 - 40 pages

List of Publications
(May to August 2003, in German if not otherwise mentioned)


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